Sunday, November 22, 2020

āļģාāˇ€āļĢා āļšāļģේ āļ­ිāļēාāļœෙāļą āˇƒුāļ¯්āļ¯ාāļ§ āļļැāļą āļļැāļą āˇ„ිāļ§ිāļēāļ§ ?


āļ‡āļēි āļ…āļ´ි āļĸාāļ­ිāļēāļš් āˇ„ැāļ§ිāļēāļ§  āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļąොāˇ€ෙāļą්āļąේ?

āļ¸āļąāļš්āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļ­ āļģාāˇ€āļĢා āļšāļģේ āļ­ිāļēාāļœෙāļą ( āļ´āļģ ) āˇƒුāļ¯්āļ¯ාāļ§ āļļැāļą āļļැāļą āˇ„ිāļ§ිāļēāļ§ āļ¸ේāļš āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?

āļ‘āļšāļš් āˇ„āļ¸්āļļ āļšāļģāļŊා āļ­ුāļąāļš් āˇ€ිāļēāļ¯āļ¸් āļšāļģාāļ¸ āļģāļ§āļš් āļ­ිāļēා āļ¸ිāļąිāˇ„ෙāļš්āˇ€āļ­් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?

( āļ ීāļą ) āļ´ොāļŊී āļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊාāļŊි āļ´ොāˇ„ොāˇƒāļ­් āˇ€ෙāļąāˇ€ා āˇ„ැāļģ.

āļŊෝāļšෙāļą් āļ‹āļ­ුāļ¸් āļģāļ§ āļšිāļē āļšිāļēා āˇƒිංāļŗු āļ¯āˇ€āˇƒ āļœාāļąේ āļšිāˇ€්āˇ€ා āļšිāļēāļŊා āļģāļ§ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?.

āļŊෝāļšේ āļ­ිāļēෙāļą āˇ„ොāļ¯āļ¸ āļ¯ේāˇ€āļŊ් ( āļ´ුāļģාāˇ€āˇƒ්āļ­ු, āˇƒ්āˇ€āļļාāˇ€ිāļš āˇƒāļ¸්āļ´āļ­්, āļ†āļœāļ¸, āļ…āļ°්‍āļēාāļ´āļąāļē, āļšāļ­ා āļšāļģāļą āļ‰ංāļœ්‍āļģිāˇƒි ) āļ­ිāļēෙāļą්āļąේ āļ¸ෙāˇ„ේ āļšිāļēāļŊා āˇƒāļ¸ āˇ„āļģāļš් āļ‡āļą්āļ¯ුāˇ€āļ§ āļģāļ§ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?

āļ¸ේ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļ¯ෙāļą් āļ”āļļ්āļļāļ§ āļąොāļœිāļē āˇ„āļģāļš් āļ§ිāļšāļ§ āļąāļ¸් āļ¸ේāˇ€ා āļ‡āļ­්āļ­ āļ‹āļąාāļ§, āļŊෝāļšේ āļ¯ැāļšāļ´ු āļ‘āļšා āļ¯āļą්āļąāˇ€ා āļ‡āļ­්āļ­ āļ¸ොāļšāļ¯්āļ¯ āļšිāļēāļŊා.

āļ¯ුāļ´āļ­් āļ¸ාāļąāˇƒිāļšāļ­්āˇ€āļēෙāļą් āļąොāļ¸ිāļ¯ී āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļšāļģāļą්āļą āļ´ුāˇ…ුāˇ€āļą්āļ¯? 

āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ¸ āļšāļģāļ´ු āļģāļ§āļš් āļŊෝāļšේ āļ­ිāļēෙāļąāˇ€āļ¯?

āļŊෝāļšේ āļ‰āļą්āļą āļ¯ුāļ´්āļ´āļ­්āļ¸ āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļœොāļŠේ āļąāļ¸් āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ¸ āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļ”āļąේ āļ­āļģāļ¸් āˇ„ොāļēා āļœāļą්āļą āļ´ුāļŊුāˇ€āļą්.

āļ‹āļœāļ­් āļ āļģිāļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āļ‘āļ´ා āļšිāļēāļŊා, āļ´ාāļ¯āļŠāļēෝ, āļ¸ිāļĢිāļ¸āļģුāˇ€ෝ, āˇƒ්āļ­්‍āļģි āļ¯ුāˇ‚āļšāļēෝ, āļœāļąිāļšාāˇ€ෝ, āļšāˇƒිāļ´්āļ´ු āļšුāļŠු āļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊාāļŊිāļŊා āļąීāļ­ි āˇƒāļ¸්āļ´ාāļ¯āļąāļēāļ§ āļēැāˇ€්āˇ€āļ¸ āļšොāˇ„ොāļ¸āļ¯ āļģāļ§āļš් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļą්āļąේ..

āˇ€ැāļŠ āļšāļŊāļēුāļ­ු āˇ€ෙāļŊාāˇ€ෙāļ­් āˇ€ැāļŠāļš් āļąොāļšāļģ āˇ€ිāļ­āļģāļš් āļąෙāļ¸ෙāļēි, āˇ€ිāˇ්‍āļģාāļ¸ āļœිāˇ„ිāļąුāļ­් āļąිāļšāļą් āļ´āļŠි āļœāļą්āļą āļļāļŊāļą් āļ‰āļą්āļą āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āļ‰āļą්āļą āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļšāˇ€āļ¯ාāļ¯ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢුāˇ€āļš āļ‰ංāļœිāļēāļš්āˇ€āļ­් āļ¯āļšිāļą්āļąේ.

āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļ ්āļ  āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļ¯ිāˇ„ා āļļāļŊāļŊා āļ’āˇ€āļēිāļą් āļ´ාāļŠāļ¸් āļ‰āļœෙāļą āļąොāļœෙāļą, āļŊෝāļšේāļ§āļ¸ āļļැāļą āļļැāļą āˇ€ංāˇƒේ āļšāļļāļŊ āļœෑāˇ€āļ§ āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇ€ෙāļēිāļ¯?

āļ´ිāļ§ āļšāˇ€ුāļģු āˇ„āļģි āļšāˇ€āļ¯ා āˇ„āļģි āļ…āļ´ිāˇ€āļ­් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļģāļ§āˇ€āļŊ් āļœොāļŠāļ§ āļ…āļģāļą් āļēāļēි āļšිāļēāļŊා āļļāļŊāļą් āļ‰āļą්āļąේ āļ¸ෝāļŠāļēෝ.

āļ´්‍āļģāˇ්āļąේ āļ­ිāļēෙāļą්āļąේ āļģāļ§āļš් āˇ„ැāļ¯ීāļ¸ේ āļ…āļŠිāļ­ාāˇ…āļ¸ āļ­ිāļēāļą්āļą āļ…āļ´ි āļŊෑāˇƒ්āļ­ිāļ¯ āļšිāļēāļą āļ‘āļš.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Stone Age or Digital Era ?

This matrimonial advertisement appeared in one of the weekend newspapers today. 


Father seeks a graduate daughter,​employed in the public sector or having permanent employment,​ pretty,​ slim, ​born in Kandy or Colombo districts areas,​only for his government employee (in the public sector),​ graduate son, ​born in 1984. Female university lecturers preferred, ​should not be from Galle or Matara districts. Reply with all details. 


I could not believe my eyes seeing it and thinking that such people do exist in this century still.

One may argue that it is his or their choice.

Yes, I agree that it was his or their choice but choices, as this made with prejudices, are going to harm society more, if allows to propagate openly and or discreetly.

Such people belong to the Stone age and not to the Digital era.

I feel sorry for the unlucky woman going into that household if they are really lucky to find one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Language the Stumbling Block !

 I have been watching Sirasa Lakshapathi seasons, off and on for some years now.

Something I have noticed was that majority of the participants was well prepared when it comes to knowledge within our shores.

Be its local history, literature, traditions etc, they were well versed.

But throw something beyond our shores at them and the majority of them were very shaky. 

Sometimes, some have managed to come up with the correct answer but they were not based on solid knowledge but merely guessing it.  

Last week, a very young schoolgirl appeared on the show and she has taken the attention of the country by her mastery of many subjects and charm but as I said, it was sad to see how she fumbled at the question involving Adolf Hitler’s life.

She was trying to arrive at the correct answer by intelligently deducting unlikely possibilities out but in real life matters sometimes this method does not work right.

I see one possible reason as to why many fail at this stumbling block.

That is the language barrier.

There are not enough materials available in the local language for them to go through and the very few materials only appear in newspapers and journals but they are of not much substance either.

Either their sources are not so credible and or most get badly mutated due to poor translations.

Can you remember the story where someone recently reported finding “Building Blocks on Mars” as finding Bricks on Mars?

One way to encourage aspirants to seek beyond our shores is to Quizmaster to include at least 30% of the questions from beyond our shores. 

Sadly, I have seen even the Quizmaster was making some very technical mistakes too.

Like the questions, “Is Australia an island or a continent?” or mispronouncing some of the well-known sport personals names were some of the recent ones.

Sadly, there is no way available to report such mistakes to the Quizmaster and the purpose of reporting such occurrences is to reduce and or eliminate such mistakes in future and it would be good for the credibility of the program in the end.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Saturday, November 07, 2020

Being Frugal Means

I thought an update is in order after my post Join the FIRE Movement appeared on LinkedIn a few weeks back.

A few who are in my network and not total strangers contacted me after reading that, some seeking help and others to share their Feel Not So Good experiences with me.

All of them are either already retired or soon reaching that milestone.

There is very little help that can be extended to them other than lend an ear to them as they all have passed that threshold of starting the saving ritual a long time ago.

One advice I gave them all was to encourage their children to be savvier when it comes to saving for rainy days.

The moment the word Frugal being used, many think that it in some way imply being tightfisted and or stingy.

Frugal means spending wisely on things that you need and not on things you want.

With the present lower interest rates on borrowing, the opportunities are aplenty and your opportunities are only as limited as your imaginations.

Subscribe to King Sasa's Exploits for more.

More details are given here How to Join the F.I.R.E. Movement

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Use it Wisely & Reap Benefits

 Approaching retirement age was something I was looking forward to for many years ahead.

As I felt, it came faster than I expected because I really had a good time performing my tasks day in and day out.

However, after being in the so-called Rat Race for four decades or so, getting adjusted to the new lifestyle will be somewhat hard thing initially for most, unless if you have not prepared yourself both mentally as well as physically to face the new challenges.

Retirement means No more schedules to meet neither the current weather is no longer an issue after that and because of that one is left with so much freedom and more time for indulgence.

I had no issues getting into the new Retired lifestyle and I did it like a duck into the water.

I had a few good habits cultivated in me long before this Retirement saga begins.

Reading is one of them and the rest too fit well into the extra available pace without any qualm.

Initially, most of my spare time was funnelled to initiate a few community projects in and around the neighbourhood and they were well received too.

Buddha Statue - Mihindu Mawatha - Makumbura

Those efforts have helped me to metaphorically speaking to build new bridges and repair old ones in the neighbourhood.

They were previously put to the backburner, obviously due to the nature of my employment.

Then the pandemic came in and that gave most of us extra free times as the movements of many have been restricted and fun and outdoor activities curtailed.

However, despite having so much free time in their hands, many could not cope up with the extra free time fell from the sky.

I have seen in many social media sites where many were cursing the free time they are now endowed with.

One way to get their frustration and boredom out of their the system is to go and flood social media sites to portrait themselves as pious, patriots etc.

Then they go and indulge in many unhealthy activities and most of them are on the borderline of vice and unwise, yet have the audacity to post them everywhere, despite their previous claims of being very pious, patriotic and the list of Ps galore.

Instead of wasting their time and others too, these people should use this gift from above to upgrade themselves and be prepared for the next wave of things to unfold.

Use the same tool, the social media platforms that many are either being misused and or underused to upgrade one’s skills than cursing of everything under the sun from morning till night on social media platforms.

Once someone learns how to manage the available time well, many things will fall into the right places and complete the big picture.

Extra time in hand is not a curse but a blessing, but only if you know how to avail it wisely.

Time is one commodity that had been fair to all living beings from the time it came into existence.

Therefore use it wisely and reap the benefits.

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