Sunday, May 02, 2021

Best Way to Beat Toyota !

The best protection for any virus related diesis is to boost your own immunity system while adhering to recommended safe practices.

No amount of prescribed medication will help you.

The other most important aspect of the game is to have a positive mind and live stress-free life at least during the infected times.

The present situation is the same and I think it had gone into this proportion due to the combination of all above in varying degree.

Nowadays, social media is awash with so much muck regarding the current health situation in the world.

Some think that flooding seemingly useful information would help others but they are not.

Their intentions may be pure and bona fide, but in the end, it would have the right opposite of the desired effect intended.

What they usually do is affect your inner peace and increase your stress level.

This situation is good for fear mongers many are still gullible.

I am not an expert on any of those matters, but the only advice I can give you based on my approach is to the situation is not to dig into so many details on the crisis at hand.

If it is to come, it will come no matter how many precautions one would take.

That is how nature works.

And if it is to come, then let the body’s own defence system battles it out and defeats it, because there is no other way out.

But if the attacker wins, then it can be called whatever one wants to call it, but I am not going to name them.

Read a book, do something that will put one’s mind at ease or learn a new trick, as all of us now have so much free time than just flooding social media with seemingly useful but in fact of No Use information.

Bringing one’s stress level down is one’s own responsibility that would in the end boost the body’s own immune system.

And this would greatly help the system to run the battle for you, but not reading and or flooding seemingly useful but in the end, nothing but real muck around, upsetting your and others well-being in the end.

The Choice is yours only.