Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Can One Person Fight All Evils on His Own All the Time?

 Is it possible for one person to fight all evils on his own all of the time?

I doubt it because the evil that he or she tries to fight is bigger and better equipped than the individual in most cases.

Having said that, it does not mean that we should not be subservient in front of them.

Lately, I have noticed that most supermarkets surreptitiously fleecing their valued customers by displaying a lower figure on the shelf tag but charging a higher amount.

My recent experience was that the shelf marked price was Rs 70/= per 100 gm, but at the check-out, they charged me Rs 72.50 per 100 gm.

As you know, there is no point in seeking help from the concerned authorities, as those who are in high chairs in those places are more corrupt than the big business entities.

The best way to eradicate this phenomenon is to be vigilant and always take up the issue with the party then and there.

Once the issue is sorted out, use social media to educate others as well.

One customer does not matter to most, but if we gang up and form a confederation with a common goal, then they will feel the pinch more.

Some may dismiss this approach for various reasons.

But remember the Montgomery bus strike in the USA?

It lasted more than one year, and finally, the boycotters won their battle.