Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bonhomie Born-again Bull-shitters

The Triple B Bonanza!

It is said that the most accurate way to predict someone’s future behaviour is through his or her past behaviour.

There is a new craze of fashion engulfing the world at large, and Sri Lanka is no different: jumping into born-again cults.

Those who have engaged in many nefarious activities in the past to earn some dirty money have now become patriots, do-gooders, and religious preachers by simply taking on the born-again cloak.

This time will be no different than their checkered past.

Again, they are in it for the money and the money only, not because of their love for the country or their beliefs and value systems.

This time, these wolves in sheep’s clothing are going to do more harm than what they have already done in the past.
Beware of those born-again bullshitters lurking out there and waiting for opportunities to pounce on them.

Do not fall for their sugar-laced talks and bonhomie behaviour in public.
This time they would go for the kill and wipe out our heritage, values, and belief systems.


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