They claim, this was requested to help the innocent civilians but many of us know that their modus operandi.
It was definitely not to help innocent civilians still held by the terrorists but to help the trapped terrorists give more time and enough diversion to help them to escape.
Mr. Kouchner says that we pleaded with the government to allow international relief agencies and NGOs immediate access to those areas.
Mr. Miliband says that we were here not to save the terrorists but to help innocent Tamils.
But how and why only now are the questions that they failed to answer.
First, let us not forget that this terror outfit is a banded organization in many of the countries including United Kingdom, yet they still manage to operate openly and without impunity.
Secondly, many of the international aid agencies and NGOs had been operating for many years under the guise of providing humanitarian aids to civilians in those areas when they were under the control of the terrorist.
But those in the south believed that they were not helping the civilians but the terrorist by siphoning off money and also providing the necessary know how to prolong the war.
But they had no way of proving those allegations as most of the areas that they were operating were under the control of the terrorist until few months back.
Until they were driven away from those areas by the advancing Army only the suspicions of the southerners had before were proven correct.
Those so called international humanitarian agencies and NGOs have not built a single school, hospital or even dug up a drinking water well for those innocent civilians.
Those innocent people still use schools, hospitals, roads etc built by the democratically and legitimately elected government and not those bonhomie international aid agencies and NGOs.
Instead all what did they manage to build were underground bunkers for terrorist top shots and submarines, aircraft etc to wage a war against a legitimately and democratically elected government.
Those light aircraft, the terrorist used to defecate over Colombo and other areas were European built aircraft and did any one bother to inquire how such equipment ended up in terrorist’s hands?
No and then why not?
Simply because, having a war in some part of the world especially in a poor country like Sri Lanka is good for their industries and their economies.
The longer it drags, it is better for them.
With the present economic difficulties that they are in, they do not want this three decade old war to end this soon.
That is what their ulterior motive is and that is why the pair is in Sri Lanka and that is why many still desperately trying every trick in the book to come.
Surely it is not for the benefit of any but for their own good.