Friday, December 18, 2009

Desecration or destroying a place of worship of any religion is sacrilegious.

Desecration or destroying a place of worship of any religion is sacrilegious.

It is even more sacrilegious when a Cemetery is desecrated.

What happened in the Auschwitz concentration camp yesterday is despicable.

Whether it is a simple case of theft or politically motivated act, the authorities will have to find out soon.

Many restored to such acts when they have miserably failed to prove their own hypothesises with hard facts than fictional ones.

History cannot be obliterated or changed to propagate ones’ own political agendas by destroying or desecrating historical sites.

Some historical facts are very stubborn and hard to swallow to many but unless you have learn to live with those facts and take guidance from the lessons learnt, then only they would be able to move forward in pursuit of whatever.

But by opting to take the low road of vandalism, only exposes what you are really made of and the history would also not be very kind to such perpetrators too.

Sasanka De Silva Blogging from Oman.