Friday, June 07, 2019

Degree of Any Sort

Blind hunger for a Degree of any sort

Irrespective of whether the much-needed grey matter

Perseverance, discipline and or endurance

Are there or not

Is something sad to watch.

Fly by night Colleges and Universities

Springing up at every street corner 

Is fuelling the frenzy

Making everyone wants to hold on to something

Whether the capacity is there or not.

Instead, engage the society in a useful manner

Not always endorsing everything

Encourage intellectual rivalry

Stop following trends

And be different.

Ones who seek this path

May end up sans a hood or a cloak

Few photographs to adorn the walls

At the end of the day.

But when the push comes to shove

Sharpness earned in such a manner

Will hold their ground better

Than the ones bought cheap 

On street corners.