Saturday, October 27, 2018

Et tu, Brute?

My take on the Coup d'รฉtat yesterday,

• RW has nothing to prove because in the last No Confidence motion that he proved that he has the adequate numbers,

• Now the onus of proving that they have the required number is with MR,

• If he can prove it on the parliament floor that he has the number, then RW has to accept and handover the charge gracefully,

• If MR is unable to prove that he has the number then the government should start proceeding to impeach the President first and then bring treason charges against both MS and MR,

The biggest mistake RW did was, not that he brought in a crook friend to rob the CB but simply ignoring the elders’ wisdom.

เท€ිเทƒเถœොเถป เทƒเถป්เถดเถบා เถฏැเถš เถฑාเถปු เถธෝเถฉเถบා.

If he had done this on the 09th of January, three years ago, things would have changed better for him at least.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Cinnamon Oil ( Leaf & Bark ).

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Friday, October 19, 2018

เถ”เถถเถง เถธเถญเถš เถฑැเถญිเท€ුเถฑාเถง

เถ”เถถเถง เถธเถญเถš เถฑැเถญිเท€ුเถฑාเถง

  • เถ‰เถฑ්เถฏිเถบเถฑ් เท„เถธුเถฏාเท€ เถ‘เถฝเท€เถฑ්เถฑ เถšිเถบเถฝා เถšොเถงිเถฑ්เถง เถ†เถบුเถฏ เถฏීเถดු เท„ැเถงි,
  • เถ เถฑ්เถฏේ เถฏිเถฑเถฑ්เถฑ เถšිเถบเถฝා เถšොเถงිเถฑ්เถง เถฉොเถฝเถป් เถฏීเถดු เท„ැเถงි,
  • เถšොเถงිเถฑ්เถœේ เถšොเถฉිเถบ เท€เถญිเถšාเถฑු เถธාเถฝිเถœාเท€เถง เถ…เถปเถฑ් เถœිเถบ เท„ැเถงි,
  • เถฏเท…เถฏා เถธාเท…ිเถœාเท€เถง เถถෝเถธ්เถถ เถœเท„เถดු เถ‘เถšාเถง เถดเถš්เท‚ේ เถ‹เถด เถฑාเถบเถš เถšเถธ เถฏීเถดු เท„ැเถงි,
  • เท€ිเถฝ්เถดเถญ්เถญු เท€เถฑ เท€ිเถฑාเทเถบเถง เถปාเถข්‍เถบ เถ…เถฑුเถœ්‍เถปเท„เถบ เถฏීเถดු เท„ැเถงි,
  • เถฏැเถฑ් เถšොเถงිเถฑ්เถง เท€เถฑ්เถฏි เถœෙเท€เถฑ්เถฑ เถ‹เถญ්เทƒเท„ เถšเถปเถฑ เท„ැเถงි.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Sweet Cinnamon - Sri Lanka


Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zylanicum) a plant indigenous to Sri Lanka.

Cinnamon was one of the first traded spices of the ancient world and was a popular spice in the ancient Arab world.

The Arab traders have paved the way for Cinnamon to travel a long distance through the spice route to the European market.

Cinnamon has motivated many historical voyages leading to the discovery of New World by Christopher Columbus and Vasco De Gamma.


Family                            –          Lauraceae
Botanical name           –          Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Common Name           –          Cinnamon

Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired a long-standing reputation in the international market due to its unique, quality, colour, flavour and aroma.

Cinnamon is used in bakery products, Asian foods and flavoured tea with its distinctive aroma & flavour.

With growing concern on health hazards associated with synthetic flavouring agents used in the food industry, there is an increasing preference for natural flavours worldwide.

The Ceylon Cinnamon belongs to the family Lauraceae and it contains about 250 species and subspecies.

‘Ceylon Cinnamon’ (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) and Cassia are the more important ones that are traded in the international market.

Cassia is originated from different countries such as China, Vietnam region, Java region, Indonesia and India.

‘Ceylon Cinnamon’ referred to as “sweet cinnamon” and “true cinnamon” is considered superior to the variety known as Cassia.

The unique method of processing and curing of cinnamon entices the characteristic Flavour over Cassia. 

The preparation of Cinnamon quills involves a combination of art and skill unique to Sri Lanka and has been handed down from generation to generation over centuries.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

•    High Source of Antioxidants
•    Anti-inflammatory
•    Protects Heart Health
·         Helps Fight Diabetes
•    Helps Defend Against Cognitive Decline & Protects Brain Function
•    Help Lower Cancer Risk
•    Fights Infections & Viruses
•    Protects Dental Health
•    Help Prevent or Cure Candida
•    Benefits Skin Health
•    Helps Fight Allergies
•    Used to Sweeten Recipes without Added Sugar

•    Used as a Natural Food Preservative.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

The KING of Spices

Pepper ( popularly known as the " King of spices " ).

Pepper is the fruit of the pepper plant from the Piperaceae family and is used as both, a spice and medicine.

The chemical piperine, present in black pepper, causes the spiciness.



Family                            –          Piperaceae
Botanical name           –          Piper nigrum
Common Name           –          Pepper

Sri Lankan black pepper has higher piperine content than product from other parts of the World.

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

•    Anti-inflammatory
•    Antioxidant
•    Antiasthmatic/anti-COPD
•    Immunomodulatory
•    Chemopreventive (prevents cancer cells from growing)
•    Controls progression of tumour growth
•    Anticancer
•    Assists in cognitive brain functioning
•    Boosts nutrient absorption and bioavailability of herbal and conventional drugs
•    Improves gastrointestinal functionality
•    Antimicrobial
•    Antiulcer (gastro-protective)
•    Antidepressant
•    Antiamoebic
•    Weight Loss.
•    Skin Care
•    Respiratory Relief.

Preparing grounded pepper powder at home is better than buying it ready-made.

However, even home-made powder retains its freshness for only 3 months, while whole peppercorns can keep their freshness indefinitely.

Thus, adding a pinch of black pepper to every meal helps to improve both, taste and digestion. It also improves your overall health and well-being.

Word of Caution: Pepper may cause sneezing. Patients who have undergone abdominal surgery should not add excessive pepper to their diet because it can have an irritating effect on the intestines. 

King's Trove Products