Friday, June 30, 2023

āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් (T-āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­්) āˇƒāˇ„ āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ

āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් (T-āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­්) āˇƒāˇ„ āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ āļēāļąු āļģāļĸāļē āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļą් āˇƒිāļē āļ¸ෙāˇ„ෙāļēුāļ¸් āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ¸ූāļŊ්‍āļēāļšāļģāļĢāļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊ් āļ´්‍āļģāˇ€ාāˇ„āļē āļšāˇ…āļ¸āļąාāļšāļģāļĢāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸ āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļąිāļšුāļ­් āļšāļģāļą āļŊāļ¯ āļĢāļē āˇƒුāļģැāļšුāļ¸්āļ´āļ­් āˇ€āļģ්āļœ āļ¯ෙāļšāļšි. āļšෙāˇƒේ āˇ€ෙāļ­āļ­්, āļ¯ෙāļš āļ…āļ­āļģ āˇƒැāļŊāļšිāļē āļēුāļ­ු āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ්āļšāļ¸් āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļš් āļ­ිāļļේ:

āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸: āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āˇ€āļŊ āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸ āˇ€āˇƒāļģāļš් āˇ„ෝ āļŠāļ§ āļ…āļŠු āļšාāļŊāļēāļš් āļ‡āļ­, āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්‍āļēāļēෙāļą් āļ¯ිāļą āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļš āˇƒිāļ§ āˇƒāļ­ි 52 āļ¯āļš්āˇ€ා āļ´āļģාāˇƒāļēāļš āļ´āˇ€āļ­ී. āļ…āļąෙāļš් āļ…āļ­āļ§, āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģāˇ€āļŊ āļ¯ිāļœු āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸āļš් āļ‡āļ­, āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්‍āļēāļēෙāļą් āˇ€āˇƒāļģ 10 āˇƒිāļ§ 30 āļ¯āļš්āˇ€ා āļ´āļģාāˇƒāļēāļš āļ´āˇ€āļ­ී.

āļšූāļ´āļą් āļœෙāˇ€ීāļ¸්: āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āļ’āˇ€ාāļēේ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢāļ­ āˇ€āļ§ිāļąාāļšāļ¸āļ§ āˇ€āļ§්āļ§āļ¸āļš් āˇƒāˇ„ිāļ­āˇ€ āļąිāļšුāļ­් āļšāļģāļąු āļŊāļļāļą āļ…āļ­āļģ āˇ€āļģිāļą් āˇ€āļģ āļ´ොāļŊී āļœෙāˇ€ීāļ¸් āˇƒිāļ¯ු āļąොāļšāļģāļēි. āļ’ āˇ€ෙāļąුāˇ€āļ§, āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļšāļēා āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­ āˇ€āļ§්āļ§āļ¸āļš් āļ¯ී āļ¸ිāļŊ āļ¯ී āļœැāļąීāļ¸ෙāļą් āˇƒāˇ„ āļšāļŊ් āļ´ිāļģෙāļą āˇ€ිāļ§ āˇƒāļ¸්āļ´ූāļģ්āļĢ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢāļ­ āļ…āļœāļē āļŊāļļා āļœැāļąීāļ¸ෙāļą් āļ´ොāļŊී āļ‹āļ´āļēා āļœāļąී. āļ…āļąෙāļš් āļ…āļ­āļ§, āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸ේāļ¯ී āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢāļ­ āˇ€āļ§ිāļąාāļšāļ¸ āļ†āļ´āˇƒු āļŊāļļා āļ¯ීāļ¸āļ§ āļ…āļ¸āļ­āļģāˇ€, āļšāļŊ් āļ´ිāļģෙāļą āļ­ෙāļš් āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ āļ¯āļģāļą්āļąාāļ§ āļšාāļŊාāļąුāļģූāļ´ී āļ´ොāļŊී (āļšූāļ´āļą්) āļœෙāˇ€ීāļ¸්.

āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ාāļąāļ¸් āˇƒāˇ„ āļ´්‍āļģāļ­ිāļŊාāļˇ: āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්‍āļēāļēෙāļą් āˇƒුāļģāļš්āˇ‚ිāļ­āļ¸ āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļą āļš්‍āļģāļ¸āļē āļŊෙāˇƒ āˇƒැāļŊāļšෙāļą්āļąේ āļ’āˇ€ාāļ§ āļģāļĸāļēේ āļ´ූāļģ්āļĢ āˇ€ිāˇ්āˇ€ාāˇƒāļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļĢāļē āļ†āļ°ාāļģ āļŊැāļļෙāļą āļļැāˇ€ිāļąි. āļ”āˇ€ුāļą්āļ§ āļšෙāļ§ි āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸āļš් āļ‡āļ­ි āļļැāˇ€ිāļą්, āļ´ොāļŊී āļ…āļąුāļ´ාāļ­ āļ‹āļ ්āļ ාāˇ€āļ āļąāļēāļą්āļ§ āļ…āļŠු āˇƒංāˇ€ේāļ¯ී āļļāˇ€āļš් āļ¯ āļ¯āļš්āˇ€āļēි. āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ, āļ’āˇ€ාāļēේ āļ¯ිāļœු āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸āļ­් āˇƒāļ¸āļŸ, āˇ€ැāļŠි āļ´ොāļŊී āļ…āļąුāļ´ාāļ­ āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ාāļąāļ¸āļš් āļ¯āļģāļēි. āļ’āˇ€ා āļ­āˇ€āļ¸āļ­් āˇƒාāļ´ේāļš්āˇ‚āˇ€ āļ…āļŠු āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ාāļąāļ¸් āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļą āļŊෙāˇƒ āˇƒāļŊāļšāļąු āļŊැāļļුāˇ€āļ¯, āļ´ොāļŊී āļ…āļąුāļ´ාāļ­āˇ€āļŊ āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ්āˇ€ීāļ¸් āˇ€āļŊāļ§ āļ´්‍āļģāļ­ිāļ ාāļģ āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą් āļ’āˇ€ාāļēේ āļ¸ිāļŊ āˇ€ැāļŠි āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą් āļ‹āļ ්āļ ාāˇ€āļ āļąāļē āˇ€ිāļē āˇ„ැāļšිāļē.

āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļą āļš්āˇ‚ිāļ­ිāļĸāļē: āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්āļēāļēෙāļą් āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āļšāļģāļąු āļŊāļļāļą්āļąේ āļšෙāļ§ි āļšාāļŊීāļą āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļą āļš්āˇ‚ිāļ­ිāļĸ āˇƒāˇ„ිāļ­ āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļšāļēිāļą් āˇ„ෝ āļ­ාāˇ€āļšාāļŊිāļšāˇ€ āļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊ් āļœාāļŊ් āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļ†āļģāļš්āˇ‚ිāļ­ āˇƒ්āļŽාāļąāļēāļš් āˇƒොāļēāļą āļ…āļē āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļąි. āļ’āˇ€ා āļļොāˇ„ෝ āˇ€ිāļ§ āļ†āļēāļ­āļą āˇƒāˇ„ āļ´ුāļ¯්āļœāļŊāļēāļą් āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ¯්‍āļģāˇ€āˇීāļŊāļ­ා āļšāˇ…āļ¸āļąාāļšāļģāļĢāļēේ āļ¸ාāļ°්‍āļēāļēāļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āˇ€ේ. āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ, āļ’āˇ€ාāļēේ āļ¯ිāļœු āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸āļ­් āˇƒāļ¸āļŸ, āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්‍āļēāļēෙāļą් āļ¯ිāļœුāļšාāļŊීāļą āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļą āļ‰āļŊāļš්āļš āļ‡āļ­ි āļ†āļēෝāļĸāļšāļēිāļą් āˇ„ෝ āļ¯ිāļœු āļšාāļŊāļēāļš් āļ´ුāļģා āˇƒ්āļŽාāˇ€āļģ āļ†āļ¯ාāļēāļ¸āļš් āļ…āļ´ේāļš්āˇ‚ා āļšāļģāļą āļ…āļē āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļą් āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āļšāļģāļąු āļŊැāļļේ.

āļ…āļŊෙāˇ€ිāļšāļģāļĢ āˇ„ැāļšිāļēාāˇ€:
āļ§ී-āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āˇƒāˇ„ āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠාāļœාāļģ āļļැāļŗුāļ¸්āļšāļģ āļēāļą āļ¯ෙāļšāļ¸ āļ¯්āˇ€ිāļ­ීāļēිāļš āˇ€ෙāˇ…ෙāļŗāļ´ොāˇ… āļ­ුāˇ… āļ‰āˇ„āˇ… āļ¯්‍āļģāˇ€āˇීāļŊāļ­ාāˇ€āļš් āļ‡āļ­ි āļ…āļ­āļģ āˇƒāļš්‍āļģීāļēāˇ€ āˇ€ෙāˇ…āļŗාāļ¸් āļšෙāļģේ. āļšෙāˇƒේ āˇ€ෙāļ­āļ­්, āļ”āˇ€ුāļą්āļœේ āļšෙāļ§ි āļšāļŊ්āļ´ිāļģීāļ¸ āˇ„ේāļ­ුāˇ€ෙāļą්, T-āļļිāļŊ්āļ´āļ­් āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්āļēāļēෙāļą් āļ‰āˇ„āˇ… āˇ€ෙāˇ…āļŗ āļ´āļģිāļ¸ාāˇ€āļą් āˇƒāˇ„ āļąිāļ­āļģ āļąිāļ­āļģ āˇ€ෙāļą්āļ¯ේāˇƒි āˇ€ේ.

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Treasury bills (T-bills) and Treasury bonds are both types of debt securities issued by the government to finance its operations and manage its cash flow. However, there are several significant differences between the two:

Maturity: Treasury bills have a maturity of one year or less, typically ranging from a few days to 52 weeks. On the other hand, Treasury bonds have longer maturities, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years.

Coupon Payments: Treasury bills are issued at a discount to their face value and do not make periodic interest payments. Instead, the investor earns interest by purchasing the bill at a discount and receiving the full face value at maturity. Treasury bonds, on the other hand, pay periodic interest (coupon) payments to the bondholder until maturity, in addition to returning the face value at maturity.

Risk and Return: Treasury bills are generally considered to be the safest form of investment because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the government. As they have shorter maturities, they are also less sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Treasury bonds, with their longer maturities, carry more interest rate risk. While they are still considered relatively low-risk investments, their prices can fluctuate more in response to changes in interest rates.

Investment Horizon: Treasury bills are commonly used by investors with short-term investment horizons or those seeking a safe place to park cash temporarily. They are often used as a means of liquidity management for institutions and individuals. Treasury bonds, with their longer maturities, are typically used by investors with longer-term investment goals or those looking for fixed income over an extended period.

Marketability: Both T-bills and Treasury bonds are highly liquid and actively traded in the secondary market. However, due to their shorter maturities, T-bills generally have higher trading volumes and more frequent auctions.

Yield: Treasury bills typically offer lower yields compared to Treasury bonds due to their shorter maturities and lower risk. Treasury bonds, with their longer-term commitment, tend to offer higher yields to compensate investors for the added risk and longer tie-up of funds.

It's important to note that the specifics of Treasury bills and Treasury bonds can vary by country, and do due diligence before investing in them.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Man Who Broke the German Enigma Code !

Alan Turing was an influential British mathematician, logician, and computer scientist who lived from 1912 to 1954. He made significant contributions to various fields, including computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, and cryptography. Turing is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of computer science and a pioneer in the development of theoretical computer science.

During World War II, Turing played a crucial role in breaking the German Enigma code, which was used for encrypted military communications. He led a team of codebreakers at Bletchley Park, a British intelligence centre, and developed the Bombe, an electromechanical device that helped decrypt Enigma-encrypted messages. Turing's work on codebreaking is believed to have significantly shortened the war and saved countless lives.

In addition to his contributions to cryptography, Turing is known for his concept of the "Turing machine." The Turing machine is an abstract mathematical model that defined the theoretical basis for modern computers. It introduced the concept of a machine that could simulate any algorithmic computation, forming the foundation of computer science and computation theory.

Turing's research also delved into the field of artificial intelligence. He proposed the famous "Turing Test" in 1950, which aimed to determine whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behaviour indistinguishable from that of a human. The Turing Test remains a fundamental concept in the field of AI and continues to influence research and development in the domain.

Despite his significant contributions, Turing's life was tragically cut short. He was convicted of "gross indecency" in 1952 for his homosexuality, which was criminalized at the time in the United Kingdom. As an alternative to imprisonment, he underwent chemical castration through hormone treatment. Turing died by suicide in 1954 at the age of 41. His untimely death was a profound loss to the scientific community and the world at large.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of Turing's achievements and his contributions to science and society. His work has had a lasting impact on fields such as computer science, cryptography, and artificial intelligence. Turing's legacy is celebrated as a symbol of scientific brilliance and a reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusivity in scientific communities.


The German Enigma code machine was not created by a single individual but was developed by a team of German engineers and cryptographers in the 1920s and 1930s. The Enigma machine was initially invented by Arthur Scherbius, a German engineer, in the early 20th century. However, the development of the Enigma code system as we know it during World War II involved the contributions of several people.

One of the key figures in the Enigma's development was Hans-Thilo Schmidt, a German mathematician and cryptographer who made significant improvements to the Enigma's security. Another notable figure was Arthur Scherbius' colleague, Dr. Richard Ritter, who refined and enhanced the Enigma design.

However, it is important to note that the Enigma code itself was cracked by a team of codebreakers at Bletchley Park, a British intelligence centre during World War II. The team, which included mathematicians, computer scientists, and linguists, was led by Alan Turing, along with other notable codebreakers such as Gordon Welchman and Marian Rejewski.

While the Germans were credited with creating the Enigma machine, it was the efforts of the codebreakers at Bletchley Park that played a crucial role in deciphering its codes and providing valuable intelligence to the Allies during the war.


Thursday, June 22, 2023

"Mathematical Bridge"

The Mathematical Bridge in Cambridge is a famous wooden bridge located in the city of Cambridge, England. It spans the River Cam and connects two parts of Queen's College: the main court and the Mathematical Bridge itself.

The bridge's design is an arch-shaped structure made entirely of straight timbers, without the use of any metal fastenings like nails or screws. It is an impressive example of mathematical engineering and craftsmanship.

Although the current bridge was constructed in 1902, it is a reconstruction of an earlier bridge built in 1749 by William Etheridge. This earlier version was also known as the Mathematical Bridge due to its unique design. 

According to popular myth, the bridge was designed by Sir Isaac Newton, the renowned mathematician and physicist who taught at Cambridge University. However, this claim is not accurate, as the bridge was constructed long after Newton's time.

The name "Mathematical Bridge" likely originates from the precision and mathematical principles employed in its construction. The design uses a technique known as "tangent and radial tracery," where the timbers are arranged in a series of tangents and radial members to create a stable and self-supporting structure.

The Mathematical Bridge is an iconic landmark in Cambridge, attracting tourists and visitors who come to admire its elegant design and learn about its mathematical and engineering significance.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The "Poison Squad"

The "Poison Squad" refers to a group of volunteers led by Dr Harvey Washington Wiley in the early 20th century. Dr Wiley was a chemist and the chief chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Chemistry (now known as the Food and Drug Administration or FDA).

The Poison Squad conducted a series of experiments from 1902 to 1907 to investigate the potential dangers of chemical preservatives and food additives commonly used during that time. The volunteers, known as the "Poison Squad," consumed meals containing various additives and preservatives to assess their impact on human health.

Dr Wiley's objective was to improve food safety standards and advocate for the passage of legislation to regulate the use of harmful chemicals in food products. His work played a crucial role in raising awareness about the need for food regulation and ultimately led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906.

The Pure Food and Drug Act aimed to protect consumers by prohibiting the sale of adulterated or misbranded food and drugs. It also mandated the accurate labelling of ingredients on product packaging. This legislation laid the foundation for subsequent food and drug regulations in the United States, establishing the FDA as the regulatory authority for ensuring the safety of the nation's food supply.

Dr Wiley's Poison Squad experiments and his efforts to reform food safety practices had a significant impact on society. His work led to the establishment of regulations that protected consumers from harmful and deceptive practices in the food and drug industries. Today, his contributions are recognized as instrumental in shaping the modern food safety system and promoting public health.

Dr. Harvey Washington Wiley was born on October 18, 1844, in a small town called Kent, Indiana, in the United States. He grew up on a farm and developed an early interest in science. He attended Hanover College in Indiana, where he studied chemistry and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in 1867.

After completing his undergraduate studies, Wiley pursued a career in academia. He taught chemistry at various institutions, including his alma mater, Hanover College, and later at Purdue University. In 1874, he received his PhD in Chemistry from Harvard University, further solidifying his scientific credentials.

In 1883, Wiley joined the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a chemist. He was appointed the chief chemist of the newly established Bureau of Chemistry (later renamed the Food and Drug Administration) in 1887. In this role, he focused on studying the quality and safety of food and drugs.

Under Wiley's leadership, the Bureau of Chemistry conducted various investigations and studies to improve food safety standards. One of his most notable initiatives was the Poison Squad experiments, which aimed to evaluate the effects of food additives and preservatives on human health, as mentioned earlier.

Beyond his work with the Poison Squad, Wiley was a vocal advocate for food regulation and played a key role in the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. He continued to serve as the chief chemist of the Bureau of Chemistry until 1912 when he resigned due to conflicts with the Secretary of Agriculture.

Following his departure from the government, Wiley became involved in other endeavours related to public health and consumer advocacy. He served as the president of the Good Housekeeping Institute, where he continued to promote consumer protection and safe household products.

Dr Harvey Washington Wiley's dedication to food safety and his efforts to bring attention to the need for regulation significantly influenced the field of public health and consumer protection. He is considered a pioneer in the fight for safer food and the establishment of food regulations in the United States.


Sunday, June 18, 2023


Manhattanhenge refers to a phenomenon that occurs in New York City, specifically in Manhattan, where the setting sun aligns with the east-west streets of the city's grid system.

The term "Manhattanhenge" is a play on words, combining "Manhattan," the borough of New York City, with "Stonehenge," the prehistoric monument in England known for its alignment with the rising and setting sun during certain times of the year.

Twice a year, usually around late May and mid-July, the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of Manhattan, creating a stunning visual effect.

As the sun sets, it appears to be framed by the city's buildings, creating a breathtaking spectacle as the sunlight extends along the entire width of the street, casting a warm glow and illuminating both the buildings and the street itself.

During Manhattanhenge, crowds of people gather on the streets, particularly at major crossroads like 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th Streets, to witness and capture this unique phenomenon.

It has become a popular event for both locals and tourists, with many capturing photographs of the sunset aligned with the city's iconic skyscrapers.

Manhattanhenge is a captivating example of how urban planning and natural phenomena intersect, offering a beautiful display of light and architecture in one of the world's most recognizable cities.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Salmon of Knowledge !

The Big Fish statue, also known as the Salmon of Knowledge, is a prominent and iconic landmark located in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Standing 10 meters long, the sculpture is a shimmering representation of a stylized fish, crafted from blue and white ceramic tiles.

Designed by John Kindness and installed in 1999 as part of a regeneration project in the city, the Big Fish has become one of Belfast's most recognizable symbols. It is situated at Donegall Quay, along the banks of the River Lagan, near the Lagan Weir and the Clarendon Dock.

The design of the sculpture was inspired by the historical significance of the River Lagan and its association with salmon. The fish itself is covered in a mosaic of ceramic tiles that depict various historical scenes, symbols, and texts that are significant to Belfast's rich heritage. These tiles showcase everything from maps and historical events to famous figures and quotes, providing a visual narrative of the city's past.

One side of the fish features depictions of prehistoric Ireland, while the other side portrays more recent historical events, including the building of the Titanic and the Industrial Revolution. The tiles also display excerpts from famous Belfast writers and poets, such as C.S. Lewis and Seamus Heaney, adding a touch of literary charm to the artwork.

The Big Fish serves as a popular meeting point for locals and tourists alike. Its location along the waterfront provides a scenic backdrop for photographs and leisurely strolls, offering a tranquil escape from the bustling city centre. Visitors often gather around the statue, taking in its intricate design and reflecting on the stories it tells.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Big Fish symbolizes the regeneration and revitalization of Belfast as a city. It represents the importance of the river to the city's history and serves as a reminder of the diverse and vibrant culture that Belfast holds.

Whether viewed as a work of art, a historical homage, or a meeting place, the Big Fish statue has undoubtedly become an integral part of Belfast's landscape, capturing the imagination and curiosity of all who encounter it.

Friday, June 16, 2023

What Are Our Options ?

They (politicians) go around begging and trying to convince the public that they are doing it for the good of the public by bringing developments to the land. 

This is the story that we have been hearing for more than seven decades and shows me if any such developments in this land. 

Only two people in the society developed beyond anyone's wildest imagination. 

They are the politicians and their cohorts only. 

Now we are left with only three options. 

The first one is to fight back, but it is very remote because most Sri Lankans are timid. 

The second is to do nothing and take hardships in our strides. 

The last is to join them and plunder. 

At least based on past activities, we know that no one will ever be prosecuted in Sri Lanka for doing that.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Who Are You ?

 Who is interested in my blog (reading from Singapore using a VPN)?

Just curious.

Mobile Safari - 1,08K attempts. ???????????????????

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A Gallant Gentlemen ( John Cobb )

John Cobb was a British racing driver who achieved notable records in both land speed and water speed.

Land Speed Records 

John Cobb was known for his accomplishments in land-speed racing. 

On September 16, 1938, he set a new land speed record of 350.2 mph (563.5 km/h) in the Railton Special, known as the "Pioneer I." 

This record-breaking run occurred at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, USA.


Water Speed Records 

In addition to land speed racing, John Cobb also pursued water speed records.

On August 29, 1939, he achieved a new water speed record of 141.74 mph (228.08 km/h) on Loch Ness, Scotland, in his boat called the "Crusader." 

Unfortunately, this record was short-lived due to the outbreak of World War II.

 Crusader II

After the war, Cobb built a new boat called the "Crusader II" to break the water speed record. 

On September 29, 1952, he attempted to set a new record at Loch Ness. 

Tragically, the boat suffered a catastrophic accident during his attempt, and Cobb lost his life.

Engineering Innovations

John Cobb was not only a skilled driver but also actively involved in the engineering aspects of his racing machines. 

He was known for his innovative approaches to vehicle design, incorporating new technologies and materials to optimize performance and safety.


Despite his untimely death, John Cobb's contributions to the world of motorsports and speed records are still remembered. 

His achievements and dedication to pushing the limits of speed continue to inspire and influence aspiring racers and engineers today.

During my recent visit to Scotland, I was fortunate to meet someone (Mr Willie Cameron) who knew this great personality, and I was told that after the accident, the recovery boat went could not accommodate Mr Cobb on the boat because he was a well-built man, and the crew had to keep his body upright and bring him back to shore.

Willie Cameron

Seeing the disaster and seeing him standing on the boat, the crowd began clapping, but this was short-lived.

He was regarded as a modest and thoughtful hero.

Afterwards, Glen Urquhart residents created a monument to honour the heroic gentleman.

The disintegration of John Cobb's boat, the "Crusader II," during his water speed record attempt on September 29, 1952, has been the subject of speculation and analysis over the years. 

While the exact reason for the boat's disintegration has not been definitively determined, there are several theories and factors that are often cited:

Structural Failure: It is widely believed that the boat experienced a structural failure, possibly due to the immense forces and stresses involved in high-speed water travel. The high speeds Cobb was attempting to achieve placed significant strain on the hull and other components of the boat, which may have led to structural weaknesses or fatigue.

Aerodynamic Forces: As the boat travelled at high speeds, aerodynamic forces, such as lift and drag, could have affected its stability. It is possible that the combination of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic forces placed excessive stress on the boat's structure, leading to its disintegration.

Water Conditions: The conditions of Loch Ness on that day, including wave patterns and water turbulence, may have played a role in the accident. Sudden changes in water conditions can affect the stability and performance of a high-speed boat, potentially contributing to structural failure.

Design Limitations: The design of Crusader II and the materials used in its construction might have had limitations that contributed to its failure. It's worth noting that the boat was designed and built in the early 1950s, and engineering knowledge and technology were not as advanced as they are today.

Ultimately, the exact sequence of events that led to the disintegration of Crusader II remains uncertain. 

The accident was a tragic event that claimed John Cobb's life, and investigations conducted at the time provided some insights but did not provide a definitive explanation.

Nice Bar is run by some relatives of the late Mr Cobb.

The Monument was erected in his name.

Mile Post
One of the salvaged Mile Posts that were erected for the test run.