Friday, May 29, 2009


My sympathies are with the people of Pakistan for having being subjected to endure atrocities in that magnitude day after day.

However, you can take courage and solace from the recent Sri Lankan experience that any terrorist can be defeated, if you stick together as one.

But my only word of caution is to beware of those international agencies that have lately taken moral high grounds and started calling for investigations in to human rights violations and war crimes, when a country is engage in a battle with a bunch of terrorists.

In fact, the real violators and perpetrators’ of such heinous crimes are only found in the lands, where most of such frequent calls are coming from.

Some of the officials who are going places and pledging so many because the talk is cheap but unfortunately none is yet to be able to show to the world that they can even  “Walk their talks” as well.

Take the case of Sri Lanka’s recent victory against a bunch of terrorists who had been dubbed as the most feared and invincible.

All what the Sri Lankan government did as a democratically elected government was to deploy its armed forces to defend its’ territory.

They did not use Nuclear bombs, Agent Yellow or White phosphorous on innocent civilians.

Neither sends troops thousand miles away from their shores to fight a someone else’s war nor to export democracy, our values and beliefs.

Indeed, all what we did was to crush a bunch of terrorists and rescue innocent civilians being held under threats and to use them as a human shield.

Instead of contemplating of nominating the Sri Lankan armed forces for the next Nobel Prize for Peace for carrying out the world’s biggest rescue mission so successfully, they are now being accused of many crimes simply by listening to sympathizers and acolytes of the crushed terrorist organization.

All what those officials who have taken moral high grounds do is to travel around the world in first class, stay in five star hotels and enjoy many other perks  and not to mention their hefty salaries and a pensions.

What their cheap talks instead do is to propagate discord, give encouragements, political endorsements and clout to banned terrorist organizations all over the world.

Instead of helping democratically elected governments to fight terrorism, they are helping terrorists.

Judging from the yard stick of that simple and infamous quote “either you are with us or with them”, they are definitely not with the democratically elected governments.

Hence, they should also be investigated not only for misappropriation of funds of the organization as they are mainly come as contribution fees from many poor nations like Sri Lanka and Pakistan but also for openly giving emotional, intellectual and much needed political endorsements to terrorists organizations who are trying to destabilize democratically elected governments in the world and the world peace in a very broad sense.

Over to you Mr. Ban Ki Moon and show us that you are someone who is able to “Walk the Talk”! and also that you really got what GOD has not given to people like Ms. Pillai.

Sasanka De Silva,

Blogging from Oman.


Saturday, May 23, 2009


For the majority of those who are living in Sri Lanka and abroad the war is finally over.

When the final victory was announced, people spontaneously came out on to streets to celebrate.

Though it was tersely reported in many international Medias, among them were many Tamils living in and around cities too have voluntarily joined the frolicking crowds.

They too lit crackers, cried, laughed, sang, danced and enjoyed communally cooked “Kiri Bath” and “Lunu Miris”, with the other merrymakers.

An identical incident happened, some years back but that too was only reported tersely.

When the Indo-Lanka peace treaty was announced in 1987, the Tamils who were living then in the north of the country too came out in thousands on to streets to celebrate, when they heard that one of the preconditions of the treaty is to, all armed Tamil groups to surrender their arms.

All groups were surprised and only a few were annoyed and angered.

I do not think that I need to go in to details of what happened after the treaty was signed and how the LTTE terrorists turned their guns on the other Tamil groups who have surrendered their arms, because the atrocities are well kwon and well documented.

Unfortunately but not surprisingly, after the Sri Lankan Army announced its victory over the terrorists, some of the supporters the defeated terrorists living in places like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France and Italy have gone berserk and have started to taking law in to their own hands.

They have started attacking and vandalizing Buddhist temples, shops and other establishments run by the Sri Lankans and even gone to the extent of throwing Acid on some Sri Lankans students following higher studies or gainfully employed in those countries.

Again, the international media deliberately and conveniently failed to report these incidents, instead wasting their time, money and energy harping on a looming humanitarian catastrophe in Sri Lanka, when the government assures everyone that it is capable of handling it along without the medaling of so-called international aid agencies.

If the supports of this defeated terrorist organization are behaving this badly in their defeat, the onus of determining how they would have reacted, I leave with your good conscience to decide, if they have won.

They would have put Cambodia and Rwanda in to shade.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

“Hadawathin Apa Yuda Bime Oba Thanikale Netha Kisi Dine”.

Just before I sat down to write, the tune of the famous song “Puthune Me Ahaganna Puthune” was playing over and over again in the mind and then I thought, why not for a change, let me start with a song and try to end also with another.

When compared to the total land mass of the world, Sri Lanka is just a speck with just over 25,000 square miles and also with a population of even less than a three percent of the world population.

Yet, if anyone asks you tomorrow, what was Sri Lanka’s contribution to the world; this is what we all have to be proud to tell.

Yesterday, we militarily defeated a terrorist organization fairly and squarely in the battle field that was up until then was dubbed as the most feared and invincible force in the world.

We, Sri Lankans, have proven to the whole world that with the political will, correct and determined leadership and brave and determined army, any country can overcome any form of terrorism, irrespective of whether they are the most sophisticated or the most ragtag outfit in the world.

With the new found determination and spreading emphasis on the efforts of eliminating terrorism totally from the face of the earth, any country can look at our unique experiences and achievements and deals with such terrors, knowing well that if you have those three important ingredients, there is no terror outfit in the world, no matter how sophisticated they are that you cannot beat.

That was our contribution to the world.

With hearts swelling with pride, happiness and elation, now it is time for us to pay back to those who have sacrificed so much to make it possible.

The guys and the gals in the armed forces!

So from the bottom of my heart, I say,

 “Deshaye Mura Devathauni ”!
 “Hadawathin Apa Yuda Bime Oba Thanikale Netha Kisi Dine”. 

Sasanka De Silva
Blogging from Oman

Monday, May 18, 2009

The ultimate act of ungratefulness.

Yesterday, they were pinning their hopes on Miliband and Kouchner to rescue their terror outfit and its leaders.

But today, they started pelting Miliband with eggs and other projectiles when they heard that their leaders were killed by the triumphant Sri Lankan Army when they were trying to flee with their tails between their legs.

What happened to their much prescribed and infamous Cyanide capsule?

Not only Miliband is young, brash and inexperienced but unimaginably naรฏve too to believe a bunch of terrorist and their acolytes and supporters for his own political survival.

Perhaps, Miliband and other western leaders are conveniently unaware of, who these terrorists really are and what they are made of, but it is not a secret to any Sri Lankan.

Those Podians, first turned their gun on their own senior peoples those who gave them the much needed initial emotional support.

Then they turned them on the very country that provided them safe refuge, monetary support and terror training during their infancy.

When things were not going the way they wanted to, they turned them this time on their very own people, whom they have claimed a few years back that they are duty-bound to protect.

So pelting Miliband with eggs is not an isolated and rare incident but this has been the way they have been operating from day one.

The refined, educated and most importantly the peace-loving Sri Lankan Tamils living in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world very well know about those fishermen turned smugglers turn so-called freedom fighters and they will never ever allow such a lot either to represent or even to speak on their behalf.

After all what one can expect from fishermen turned smuggler Podians?

Nothing but only destructions and chaos.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wesak the “Month of Renaissance”.

Tonight, I go to bed with a very peaceful mind, knowing well that from now on, my family will  be safe in Sri Lanka and Bomb blasts and suicide bombings will only be a thing in the past.

I consider we have been lucky to have narrowly escaped two incidents in the past.

First, when a bomb exploded on the Air Lanka flight at the Katunayake Airport and then Brigadier Paramee Kulathunge’s life was taken by a suicide bomber in Kottawa.

But some families have not been so lucky and many of their loses and scarifies are unimaginable.

However, today we all can take solace and have a big sigh of relief, knowing well that the bloody war is finally over.

Wesak is a very important as well as an auspicious month both historically and religiously for the Sri Lankans and with the latest military achievement; I think it is most appropriate to name it as the “Month of Renaissance”.  

Sasanka De Silva,

Blogging from Oman.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Why some International Aid Agencies are so desperately want to go back to the Northeast of Sri Lanka

I am in complete agreement with everyone saying that there is a catastrophic humanitarian situation is unfolding in the North-east of Sri Lanka.

Interestingly, some of the international aid agencies and the states backing them are still calling the government to allow them unimpeded access to those areas.

Those international aid agencies, for more than two decade have had an unimpeded access to those areas but what have they done during that time and who is really responsible for the present crisis are the questions only they  themselves have to provide answers?

Unfortunately, what I cannot fathom is that how they are going to resolve this issue, which they have stealthily but greatly contributed to expand to this kind of unimaginable proportion.

First, with their backing and blessings managed to secure safe refuge in their backers’ territories to many murderers who had been waging a war against a democratically elected government.

Then they started not only by providing those murders their emotional support but also monetary and their expertise surreptitiously, so the war can be prolonged and subject the people in the country to abject misery but their economies would thrive.

The advancing Sri Lankan Army recently exhibited to the World Medias, some of the very sophisticated and heavy weaponry in pristine condition captured from the fleeing murderers.

Those captured weaponry are surely not assembled in those areas held by the murderers but brought in by Lock, Stock & Barrel.

Many of the heavy weaponry the murders had to abandon without even being used on the advancing Army or on the fleeing innocent civilians is because that they were still not very conversant with their operation, as the experts who came in guise of humanitarian works to teach the murderers how to use them had to leave those areas in a hurry when the Sri Lankan Army started its final push.

For many decades, the access by land to those areas which were under the control of the terrorist have been closely monitored and access by air was limited to a few European built crop-duster two seater aircraft with limited payload capacity and the only possibility was by sea routes.

In the past, many of the international aid agencies have had an unimpeded access to sea routes to ferry necessary humanitarian aid but now with those new revelations, it is more than obvious that they had been too busy in the past ferrying some other no so humanitarian items on their ships instead.

It is said that the past behaviour of someone is a good yard stick to forecast or predict his future behaviours and this argument is no difference to those bonhomie international aid agencies’ too.

I do not think that I need to reiterate, what would happened if the Sri Lankan government allows those insatiate aid agencies crying foul an unimpeded access again to those areas now, at a time the murderers are scarping the barrel and hoping for a miracle.

There are only few steps to take, which will surely have a rippling effect, if any international aid agency or other external entities is genuinely interested in seeing to an end to this conflict.

First, stop quoting unsubstantiated, unverifiable and biased information said to have been obtained from murderers, who have done white coats and robes now.

Force the governments and states providing such entities with financial and logistical support to expel those murders and their supporters who are comfortably languishing in those countries and are still carrying on with many illegal activities without impunity to support a ban terror outfit.

Support the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka in their endeavours to rehabilitate the internally displaced peoples due to this crisis.

But, if they only want to propagate their own believes and values and prolong the war so their economies can thrive, then support the murderers.    

However, with or without their help, this time the Sri Lankan government is determined to wipe the murderers out, once and for all from the island forever and they have the support and backing of all the masses who believe in ONE United SRI LANKA.


Sasanka De Silva,

Blogging from Oman.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Clemency and rehabilitation to the surrendering LTTE.

The Wesak celebration is just a couple of days away and it is the most revered and celebrated day in the Sri Lankan calendar.

It marks the birth, enlightenment and the passing away of the Gautama Buddha.

Amidst the very chaotic situation in a narrow strip of sandy land in the northeast of the country, this day will give all of us an ideal opportunity to ponder on some of the teachings of the Exalted one.

One of his teachings that come to my mind is that “Hatred will not cease hatred, love will”.

More than six decades ago, former Sri Lankan President Late Mr. J.R. Jayewardene (then he was a Minister in the government of Ceylon) used exactly the same quote in San Francisco to plea clemency for Japanese people, after their defeat in the Second World War.

His plea was not gone unheeded and I am sure that no one today will regret the decisions taken at that summit.

“A tooth for tooth and an Eye for eye” sort of justice system was imposed on us, more than five hundred years ago by the invader and ever since then, we are stuck with it.

I think this is an ideal opportunity presented to us in the month of Wesak, to break free from such alien justice system and start having our very own ways of dealing with such issues.

I am confident and hopeful that soon the President of Sri Lanka will extend his promise of clemency and rehabilitation not only to the surrendering LTTE soldiers but also to any top notch leader too, now trapped in that narrow strip of sandy land.

Sunday, May 03, 2009


The LTTE terrorists have hitherto been dubbed as the most feared and invincible fighters in the world

But when cornered from all sides and after losing 2/3 of the forcibly held human shield, the invincibility has evaporated and now turning to western powers’ to help, at lease to prolong the impending sure defeat until if they can find an escape route.

Mind you that this is a banned terrorist organization even in most of the western countries, yet they still manage to carry out their nefarious activities in those countries without impunity.

How and why are very interesting questions?

Knowing the answers fully to those questions, I strongly believe that those powers will soon use all their economic might to twist the arms of the Sri Lankan government to help a banned terrorist organization this time around too.

Despite their openly declared desire to see that all forms of terrorism is to be wiped out in all corners of the world, when it comes to money, such lofty principals are easily forgotten.

Having a war in some part of the world and especially in a poor country is much productive to them than such gilded proclamations.

Friday, May 01, 2009


First, they started hacking innocent civilians who were trying to flee from their side to the government side.

And now they have started hacking government and other Sri Lankan websites giving correct picture to the rest of the world of the ongoing situation in the north east of Sri Lanka.

What is it that the terrorist, their acolytes and sympathizers living in developed countries are so much afraid of and do not want the rest of the world to know?

Like General C.H. Grosvenor once said, “Figures won’t lie but liars will figure”. 


At least the Canadian Federal minister for Immigartion seems to have a backbone.
He has said the demonstraors are carrying an LTTE flag and the Government of Canada does not talk to terrorists.
Well said & well done minister.
I wish a lot more western politicians were like him.

Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenny lost his cool yesterday, when 5,000 tamil protestors blocked all roads to Canada's parliament at Ottawa, carrying flags with the LTTE Logo.   

When the media requested him to speak to the protesters, this was what he replied,
 I have nothing to say to them.They are a bunch of terrorists only , if not they would not be carrying flags with the Tiger logo. They should be carrying black flags,  if they are really mourning for their kith and kin and they should be asking the Tamil Tigers to surrender to the victorious Sri Lankan Army immediately without any preconditions and save the lives of the tamil civilians still held by the terrorist as a Human shield, instead of asking us to request the Sri Lankan government to stop the war . I  indeed,  have nothing to say to terrorist.

Well done Jason Kenney, at least you see the truth now !