Tuesday, May 19, 2009

“Hadawathin Apa Yuda Bime Oba Thanikale Netha Kisi Dine”.

Just before I sat down to write, the tune of the famous song “Puthune Me Ahaganna Puthune” was playing over and over again in the mind and then I thought, why not for a change, let me start with a song and try to end also with another.

When compared to the total land mass of the world, Sri Lanka is just a speck with just over 25,000 square miles and also with a population of even less than a three percent of the world population.

Yet, if anyone asks you tomorrow, what was Sri Lanka’s contribution to the world; this is what we all have to be proud to tell.

Yesterday, we militarily defeated a terrorist organization fairly and squarely in the battle field that was up until then was dubbed as the most feared and invincible force in the world.

We, Sri Lankans, have proven to the whole world that with the political will, correct and determined leadership and brave and determined army, any country can overcome any form of terrorism, irrespective of whether they are the most sophisticated or the most ragtag outfit in the world.

With the new found determination and spreading emphasis on the efforts of eliminating terrorism totally from the face of the earth, any country can look at our unique experiences and achievements and deals with such terrors, knowing well that if you have those three important ingredients, there is no terror outfit in the world, no matter how sophisticated they are that you cannot beat.

That was our contribution to the world.

With hearts swelling with pride, happiness and elation, now it is time for us to pay back to those who have sacrificed so much to make it possible.

The guys and the gals in the armed forces!

So from the bottom of my heart, I say,

 “Deshaye Mura Devathauni ”!
 “Hadawathin Apa Yuda Bime Oba Thanikale Netha Kisi Dine”. 

Sasanka De Silva
Blogging from Oman

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