Friday, May 29, 2009


My sympathies are with the people of Pakistan for having being subjected to endure atrocities in that magnitude day after day.

However, you can take courage and solace from the recent Sri Lankan experience that any terrorist can be defeated, if you stick together as one.

But my only word of caution is to beware of those international agencies that have lately taken moral high grounds and started calling for investigations in to human rights violations and war crimes, when a country is engage in a battle with a bunch of terrorists.

In fact, the real violators and perpetrators’ of such heinous crimes are only found in the lands, where most of such frequent calls are coming from.

Some of the officials who are going places and pledging so many because the talk is cheap but unfortunately none is yet to be able to show to the world that they can even  “Walk their talks” as well.

Take the case of Sri Lanka’s recent victory against a bunch of terrorists who had been dubbed as the most feared and invincible.

All what the Sri Lankan government did as a democratically elected government was to deploy its armed forces to defend its’ territory.

They did not use Nuclear bombs, Agent Yellow or White phosphorous on innocent civilians.

Neither sends troops thousand miles away from their shores to fight a someone else’s war nor to export democracy, our values and beliefs.

Indeed, all what we did was to crush a bunch of terrorists and rescue innocent civilians being held under threats and to use them as a human shield.

Instead of contemplating of nominating the Sri Lankan armed forces for the next Nobel Prize for Peace for carrying out the world’s biggest rescue mission so successfully, they are now being accused of many crimes simply by listening to sympathizers and acolytes of the crushed terrorist organization.

All what those officials who have taken moral high grounds do is to travel around the world in first class, stay in five star hotels and enjoy many other perks  and not to mention their hefty salaries and a pensions.

What their cheap talks instead do is to propagate discord, give encouragements, political endorsements and clout to banned terrorist organizations all over the world.

Instead of helping democratically elected governments to fight terrorism, they are helping terrorists.

Judging from the yard stick of that simple and infamous quote “either you are with us or with them”, they are definitely not with the democratically elected governments.

Hence, they should also be investigated not only for misappropriation of funds of the organization as they are mainly come as contribution fees from many poor nations like Sri Lanka and Pakistan but also for openly giving emotional, intellectual and much needed political endorsements to terrorists organizations who are trying to destabilize democratically elected governments in the world and the world peace in a very broad sense.

Over to you Mr. Ban Ki Moon and show us that you are someone who is able to “Walk the Talk”! and also that you really got what GOD has not given to people like Ms. Pillai.

Sasanka De Silva,

Blogging from Oman.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not a bad Idea and Sri Lankan Government should now use it's friendly international contacts to pursue it.