Friday, October 30, 2009


The life sentence handed down yesterday in Canada on Desire Munyaneza for the war crimes he committed in Rwanda would, I am sure send a clear messages to many.

After his killing spree, he went to Canada and sought political asylum and it was granted without any back ground checks.

This is not a new phenomenon in Canada or in the west.

Anyone who manages to reach their boarders and claims that he or she is being prosecuted in his or her country, because of their ethnicity or any other reason, those countries are happy to oblige.

There are thousands and more who have either actively participated or have helped in various other ways in mass killings, genocides and other war crimes are still hiding behind in Canada and the West, milking their systems on the guise of seeking asylum.

The mass rallies held, hungers strikes and havocs caused in those countries during the latter part of the three decade old war in Sri Lanka, where a democratically elected government was fighting a bunch of terrorist is a very good example that those who have blood in their hands and in their consciences are still roaming freely in those countries.

The sentencing of Desire Munyaneza, I am hopeful would set a precedent and that the authorities in Canada and in the West would open their eye now and start dealing with those bogus asylum seekers the same way soon.

Kithsiri Sasanka De Silva,

Sultanate of Oman.

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