Friday, December 03, 2010

“The Greedy Buddha Restaurant”

A mail doing rounds with a heading “The Greedy Buddha Restaurant” somewhere in the United Kingdom with a couple of pictures of it and a passionate appeal written to the owner of the establishment by a shocked Buddhist, who discovered it recently.
Should the Buddhists be alarmed of this development?
First, the name itself is self-defeating.
Because the word “Buddha” means the” Enlightened One” and no enlightened one can be greedy.
The Gautama Buddha was the second in the long line of Teachers who have shunned the idea of idol worshipping and it was almost 500 years after the passing away of this great teacher that the erection of statues took roots in the Buddhist culture.
The intention of choosing such an eye catching name is to get an instant attention, and then the owner of the establishment is quite successful, given the attention it gets on the internet.
If the reason is ignorance, insult or both, then the owner has done a great favour to those who believe that they are follower of that faith.
Tolerance and compassion are the whole marks of the Buddha’s teaching and such an act would only helps the believers to truly test their core believes.
Blasphemy was a word that has come to our vocabulary much later and has no true meaning to it, except to cover up one’s own weaknesses and blames and shames another for one’s own failings and inadequacies.
No ordinary person can shame an Enlightened One and if anyone believes that it is possible, then there is something faulty in his or her thinking faculty.
“Lokha Samastha Sukino Bawanthu”.

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