Saturday, August 17, 2019

It is a Choice !

Remember when elections come nearer; "Air is full of promises and promises are full of Air" only.

The past behaviour of someone is a good yardstick to measure the likely future performance of the same person.

Remember as to why we all had to leave the country to earn a decent living and the future of your young kids too.

If you think that your action today will ensure a good future for your kids and family tomorrow, then you are free to do whatever you choose to do.

But do not forget that you will be held accountable for your kids someday of your action today.

Take the right decision, not for your own future because we are almost at the end of the wick now.

But kids today do / should not have to endure and experience the same that we all have gone in some form or the other.

Let them go out and see/conquer the World in their terms and not on anyone else's terms.

It is time to change the "Pecking order" of society today.

Will they stay a "Bonded Slave" forever or a "Free person" is not luck, Karma vipaka or whatever you want to call it, but a Choice.

Make the right choice for those who have no voice or choice right now because they are just Kids today.

Demand accountability and meritocracy to be installed in the country.

I am sure, my family and I can survive in such a society and thrive too. 

Ask yourself, will you be able to fit well into those big shoes?

You be the judge.

Follow your heart.

Good luck.

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