Monday, September 02, 2019

Mounting Garbage & Maharagama Municipal Council Inaction

For almost three (03) weeks now, the Maharagama Municipal Council Garbage truck did not come to collect the garbage and things have started piling out at various places.

It is an eyesore and not forgetting the health risks it poses too.

Usually, the truck comes twice a week to collect the segregated garbage.

The Council was called this morning and the switchboard was unaware of the situation but was kind enough to give a Public Health Inspector’s (PHI) phone number.

That number rings eternally but the owner seems to be unaware of its existence and I could not help thinking of the purpose of giving such facilities to public servants if they do not how to put them to good use.

The Chairman’s office was tried and after a few rings, it goes to a fax machine.

The Vice Chairman’s number is no longer in operation, according to the automated recording being played.

The Secretary’s office was called and after many rings, it was picked up by a gentleman called Indrajeeth.

After a proper introduction and giving the location correctly, I briefed him about the predicament of the residents of the area.

He response was “ OK, I will inform ”.

When I asked to whom he will escalate the matter up, he had no answer to give, instead wanted my contact number.

I know well that this is just another evasive and or delaying tactics usually being put to good use by many public servants in this country.

If such important offices do not have the Caller Identification facility, then it says the pathetic state of such offices.

So here I am waiting for a call from SOMEBODY to brief me about the reasons for their failure and what actions have been taken to correct the situation immediately.

Will, it ever comes, your guess is as good as mine. 

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