Friday, June 26, 2020

Use Your Vote Wisely ! ඔබේ චන්දය කාටද?

To whom one should cast his or her vote in the upcoming general election one’s own prerogative and it should not be divulged in public too.

ඔබේ චන්දය රහස්ය සහ වැදගත් එකක්. එය කා වෙනුවෙන්ද දිය යුත්තේද කියා තිරණය කිරීම ඔබ සතුයි. එය එලිකිරීමට මැළි වන්න.

But there is no harm in discussing it in public to whom one should not cast his or her vote.

නමුත් එය නොලැබිය යුත්තේ කවුදැයි කියා කතා කිරීමට මැළි නොවන්න.

Here are my red flags and if anyone is red flagged during scrutiny; he or she will not get my vote for sure.

මගේ චන්දය පහත ක්රියාවන්යේ නියැලෙන්නන් හට නොලැබේ.

Someone with Blood on his or her hand or having the backing of those who have blood on their hands,
o අතේ ලේ ගෑවුන කෙනෙකුට හෝ අතේ ලේ ගෑවුන කංඩායම් නියෝජිතයෙකුට,
Those who are involved in dealing with deadly drugs and or having direct links or financial connections to such persons’ or entities,
o සමාජය වනසන කුඩු රකුසා සමග ගනදෙනු කරන හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who are involved in dealing with arms and or having direct links or financial connections to such persons’ or entities,
o මරු කැදවන ආයුධ සමග ජීවත්වන හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who are involved in bootlegging and or having direct links or financial connections to such persons’ or entities,
o අනවසර මත්පැන් නිපදවන්නන් හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who are involved in rapes and or having direct links or financial connections to such persons’ or entities,
o ස්ත්රී දූෂණ සහ ළමා අපයෝජකයන් හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who are involved in Blue Collar crimes and or having direct links or financial connections to such persons’ or entities,
o මුල්ය වංචාවන්ට සම්බන්ද හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who got dirty rich in a very short span of time but unable to back their gains legitimately,
o සුලු කලකින් පෙට්ටි කඩෙන් මාළිගාවට පැමිණි අය හෝ එවැන්නන් ඇසුරු කරන්නන්,
Those who have kept their ill-gotten wealth and family safe in another country but claiming to trying hard to make this place a paradise,
o අස්වාබාවිකව උපයා ගත් මුදල් සහ තම දූදරුවන් පිටරටවල තබා මෙය සුරපුරයක් කිරීමට උත්සහ      කරන්නන්.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

No Footwear ! Who's Rule ?

Today I went to Homagama Tele Shop to pay my telephone bill.

A long queue has already formed there and I had to join the queue after going through the cleaning up process.

The instructions at the clean up station were all written only in English and graphics too were bit confusing to say the least.

Then, I heard someone telling that to pay at the Kiosks, one needs not to queue up.

Just go and feed the machine.

Those machines were lined up near the entrance in the corridor.

The body temperature was checked before I was allowed in to that area.

My attempts to pay at the Kiosk were not successful and then the lady who was trying to do the same at the other Kiosk told “these Machines do not accept any notes”.

So, I stopped feeding process and decided to join the queue again.

At the entrance, the lady security was yelling at everyone to “Remove Footwear” before enter the carpeted office.

My first impression was that, it was because of the last rain and the puddles left outside the building and everywhere else.

I obliged but then realized that No Footwear rule applies to a few only.

All staffs were in their footwear, including the yelling security lady at the door.

Then someone entered the place in his deck shoes and he was not stopped and so was another armed force fellow in full uniform.

Later, I understood that the fellow who was in deck shoes was one of them, so the rule does not apply to staff.

I wanted to talk to the Manager there to get this clarifies, but the person was not in the seat.

Who brings such rules which have no any apparent benefit to combat the spreading of virus?

And if they are the recommendations from the authorities, then why they are not been observed 100% or unless these are locally made by someone who wants only to harass the customers.

Over to your Sri Lanka Telecom if you are listening.

Friday, June 12, 2020

𝗟𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱

The whole World cries and moans
When a celebrity dies in a speeding frenzy
On a busy highway
Or a singer dies in a drug-induced coma
Drowns in her own bathtub.

Thousands die hungry and
Without medicine
To treat a simple aliment
Every second around us
But do we cry or moan
For those poor souls.

What a lop-sided World
We are living in today
Oh I am ashamed
Yes to be part of that
Uncaring World

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Arrogance can be Tolerated but not Hypocrisy

Recently someone invited me to join a Facebook page called Ceylon Then Sri Lanka Now.

There were some interesting historical pictures, facts and trivia in it so I decided to join the group.

Then I posted a picture of a not so well know heroes of yesteryear.

It was approved without much delay and was well received by former fellow members.

The second post I made was about the VOC coins issued by the Dutch in the 17th century.

That too was approved with not much delay.

The third one posted was a picture of the then CBC (now SLBC) and wanted to know the identities of the personalities in the picture, as I knew the identity of only one person.

That post got delay to come up and thinking that there was some technical difficulty that it did not reach the right people (despite having seen the prompt I got on the screen when posting that it has been sent for moderator / Admin for approval) I repost it once more.

Again the same result and I was curious to know the reason why it had not been approved.

So, for the third time, I posted it again and requested the reasons for not approval.

After my third attempt, it got approved and the Admin / Moderator sent me a PM stating that it was initially not approved because there was not Caption in it, but that was incorrect.

It too got enough traction and part of the information I was seeking came from a source overseas, which I duly updated.

My fourth post was about a coin issued in 1815 and that two had a Caption written both in English as well as Sinhala.

It too got the same treatment as my third post.

Since I knew the identity of the Admin / Moderator by then thanks to the PM he sent earlier, I asked his again as to why it has not been approved.

I felt fishy earlier because I have seen that some guys who are in the friends' list of the Admin / Moderator getting their posts appear quite frequently.

I hate to beat around the bush; therefore I asked him directly if you do not want us to post there, say so then we can stop posting and leave.

At the same time, I reposted the same post again while I can still see him online but this time with a Caption written in Sinhala.

My last comment angered him and started becoming more and more aggressive in his responses.

First, he wanted to know what was my problem and why was I grumbling so much about not getting my post approved.

Then he changed the direction and said that delay was that he was not online for two days.

Then he was complaining about having more than 80,000 members to look after and I am not the only person needs his attention.

Further, he admonished me to try not to teach him how to manage his page which he had been doing since 2014.

The line was changed again and the reason it was not approved due to no Caption which was not true and when I mentioned that it had a Caption.

Then he said that posts with Captions written in Sinhala will not be approved due to many overseas members who are unable to understand the contents.

The man who tries to portrait him as a Busy Bee and have to look after more than 80,000 other members was sending PMs to me from 13.38 till 15.05.

A few hours prior to this conversation, another post was approved with a Caption written in Sinhala.

Even prior to that too, some other posts appeared some without Caption and or some not written in English.

Immediately, I sent him a screenshot of that post and he came back suggesting me to check my eyesight first.

I have put an arrow mark near the Sinhala Caption to draw his attention.

His last response was that he has no problem with his eyesight and Goodbye.

I knew what was to come so I made him read that I can tolerate arrogance but not hypocrisy.

With that parting remark, I was trying to access the page and as expected he had removed/ banned me from his page, which I have no issue but the purpose of this is to expose such hypocrites on social Media.

Monday, June 01, 2020

As Good As Having No Data

Immediately after the Easter bombing incident, public announcements were made locally requesting residents to report to some public location for an important Police briefing.

Lucky for us it was a nearby temple and that too walking distance.

Well before the start-up time, Chief Occupant of most residencies have reported and was given to fill up a form by very junior police officer present there

There were no arrangements made to supply writing materials and or a proper place to enable people to fill their forms up.

Once that was over, all were asked to wait till the arrival of the police high up who was supposed to be giving the briefing to the public.

Many people waited long enough and left the place leaving the already filled up forms with the members of Community Police members of their particular wards.

The actual time of the officer’s arrival and the contents of the briefing done to the people who were available at that time are no secrets.

Fast-forward to the time of this Corona epidemic, again announcements were made but this time an officer was visiting from door to door with a member of the community police of that area, handing over another form seeking the same sort of information sought after the Easter bombing incident.

Except for the details of temporary residencies taken up between last April to May this year, very little would have changed in the information that is being sought and further they are already readily available with the government machinery in one form or the other.

If it was a concern of those who seek temporary shelter for some reason or the other and to verify the facts, some random checks should have been done after data was collected after the Easter incident but that was not the case.

What would happen to the new set of data collected is no secret to many.

If any data collected is not sorted, filtered and verified is as good as of having no data at all.

Why waste public money for something finally going to end up on another shelf a few days later is hard to fathom.

That is one of many sad such realities of this country.