Today I went to Homagama Tele Shop to pay my telephone bill.
A long queue has already formed there and I had to join the queue after going through the cleaning up process.
The instructions at the clean up station were all written only in English and graphics too were bit confusing to say the least.
Then, I heard someone telling that to pay at the Kiosks, one needs not to queue up.
Just go and feed the machine.
Those machines were lined up near the entrance in the corridor.
The body temperature was checked before I was allowed in to that area.
My attempts to pay at the Kiosk were not successful and then the lady who was trying to do the same at the other Kiosk told “these Machines do not accept any notes”.
So, I stopped feeding process and decided to join the queue again.
At the entrance, the lady security was yelling at everyone to “Remove Footwear” before enter the carpeted office.
My first impression was that, it was because of the last rain and the puddles left outside the building and everywhere else.
I obliged but then realized that No Footwear rule applies to a few only.
All staffs were in their footwear, including the yelling security lady at the door.
Then someone entered the place in his deck shoes and he was not stopped and so was another armed force fellow in full uniform.
Later, I understood that the fellow who was in deck shoes was one of them, so the rule does not apply to staff.
I wanted to talk to the Manager there to get this clarifies, but the person was not in the seat.
Who brings such rules which have no any apparent benefit to combat the spreading of virus?
And if they are the recommendations from the authorities, then why they are not been observed 100% or unless these are locally made by someone who wants only to harass the customers.
Over to your Sri Lanka Telecom if you are listening.
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