Sunday, September 20, 2020

Best Route to Success is not Plagiarism

Build on someone else’s idea without giving due credit to the real owner is amounting to plagiarism.

Even in an era where the plagiarism can easily be detected with a few clicks, some are still willing to take chances.

Some believe that taking a shortcut and cutting corners will get them to their goal faster.

But it will be a totally different ball game, the day, peers and other academics in the world realize that the work submitted is nothing but a plagiarized work, with a few extra frills added to disguise and cover up the original idea.

Thereafter, later in life even if he or she comes up with an original idea and the research done with immaculate precision (which is a very remote possibility), no one is going to take that person and work seriously.

The credibility is paramount in life and especially in the academic world.

Lose that once and one loses everything with it.

Therefore, the best route to success is not plagiarism but build on original concepts.

There is no harm giving due credit to someone if in case, some ideas are to be borrowed from other’s works to build on one’s own idea.

A simple citation will add credibility to the work and sans such will take the work only to plagiarized paradise.

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