Sunday, December 12, 2021

Weekend is Just a Luxury Only in Your Mind !

 The weekend is something many are looking forward to.

Retirees, employed people, and even school-going children.

Just to have a good rest and recuperate.

Spend some quality time with your family and friends.

āˇƒāļ­ි āļ…āļą්āļ­āļē āļļොāˇ„ෝ āļ¯ෙāļąා āļļāļŊා āˇƒිāļ§ිāļą āļ¯ෙāļēāļš්.

āˇ€ිāˇ්āļģාāļ¸ිāļšāļēිāļą්, āļģැāļšිāļēාāˇ€āļŊ āļąිāļēුāļ­ු āļ…āļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ´ාāˇƒāļŊ් āļēāļą āļ¯āļģුāˇ€āļą් āļ´āˇ€ා.

āˇ„ොāļŗ āˇ€ිāˇ€ේāļšāļēāļš් āļŊāļļා āļœැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āˇƒāˇ„ āˇƒුāˇ€āļē āļŊැāļļීāļ¸āļ§ āļ´āļ¸āļĢි.

āļ”āļļේ āļ´āˇ€ුāļŊේ āļ…āļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ¸ිāļ­ුāļģāļą් āˇƒāļ¸āļŸ āļœුāļĢාāļ­්āļ¸āļš āļšාāļŊāļēāļš් āļœāļ­ āļšāļģāļą්āļą.

Many retire to bed, hoping for a change in the mood during the weekend.

Alas, the following morning you will be woken up by at least two bread sellers doing rounds with their blaring horns.

Then start the blaring horns from the nearby places of worship.

Now your morning is spoilt and you are forced to get down earlier than expected last night.

āļļොāˇ„ෝ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļš් āˇƒāļ­ි āļ…āļą්āļ­āļēේ āļ¸āļąෝāļˇාāˇ€āļēේ āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒāļš් āļļāļŊාāļ´ොāļģොāļ­්āļ­ුāˇ€ෙāļą් āļ‡āļŗāļ§ āˇ€ිāˇ්āļģාāļ¸ āļœāļąිāļ­ි.

āļ…āˇ„ෝ, āļ´āˇƒුāļ¯ා āļ‹āļ¯ෑāˇƒāļą āļ…āˇ€āļ¸ āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą් āļ´ාāļą් āˇ€ෙāˇ…ෙāļą්āļ¯āļą් āļ¯ෙāļ¯ෙāļąෙāļšු āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļą් āļ”āˇ€ුāļą්āļœේ āļෝāˇ‚ාāļšාāļģී āˇāļļ්āļ¯ āˇ€ිāļšාāˇāļą āļēāļą්āļ­්āļģ āˇƒāļ¸āļŸ āˇ€āļ§ේ āļģāˇ€ුāļ¸් āļœāˇƒāļ¸ිāļą් āļ”āļļāˇ€ āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ි āļšāļģāļąු āļ‡āļ­.

āļ‰āļą්āļ´āˇƒු āļ…āˇƒāļŊ āļ´ිāˇ„ිāļ§ි āļ†āļœāļ¸ිāļš āˇƒ්āļŽාāļąāˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļෝāˇ‚ා āļšāļģāļą āˇāļļ්āļ¯ āˇ€ිāļšාāˇāļą āļēāļą්āļ­්āļģ āļ†āļģāļ¸්āļˇ āļšāļģāļēි.

āļ¯ැāļą් āļ”āļļේ āļ‹āļ¯ෑāˇƒāļą āļšāļŠාāļšāļ´්āļ´āļŊ් āˇ€ී āļ‡āļ­ි āļ…āļ­āļģ āļŠāļēේ āļģාāļ­්āļģිāļēේ āļļāļŊාāļ´ොāļģොāļ­්āļ­ු āˇ€ූāˇ€ාāļ§ āˇ€āļŠා āļšāļŊිāļą් āļ‡āļŗෙāļą් āļļැāˇƒීāļ¸āļ§ āļ”āļļāļ§ āļļāļŊāļšෙāļģේ.

When the day comes, more noise polluters will make your weekend even worse.

They come in different forms.

Plant sellers, flower pot sellers, scrap metal collectors, you name it, and they come in different types and at different times.

āļ¯āˇ€āˇƒ āļ´ැāļ¸ිāļĢෙāļą āˇ€ිāļ§, āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āˇāļļ්āļ¯ āļ¯ූāˇ‚āļĢāļēāļą් āļ”āļļේ āˇƒāļ­ි āļ…āļą්āļ­āļē āˇ€āļŠාāļ­් āļąāļģāļš āļ…āļ­āļ§ āˇ„ැāļģෙāļąු āļ‡āļ­.

āļ’āˇ€ා āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ° āļ†āļšාāļģāˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļ´ැāļ¸ිāļĢේ.

āļ´ැāļŊ āˇ€ිāļšුāļĢāļą්āļąāļą්, āļ¸āļŊ් āļ´ෝāļ ්āļ ි āˇ€ිāļšුāļĢāļą්āļąāļą්, āļ´āļģāļĢ āļŊෝāˇ„ āļ‘āļšāļ­ු āļšāļģāļą්āļąāļą්, āļ”āļļ āļ‘āļē āļąāļ¸් āļšāļģāļą්āļą, āļ’āˇ€ා āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ° āˇ€āļģ්āļœāˇ€āļŊ āˇƒāˇ„ āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ° āļšාāļŊāˇ€āļŊāļ¯ී āļ´ැāļ¸ිāļĢේ.

Then some of the neighbours will start to do their home repairs in do-it-yourself style.

āļ‘āˇ€ිāļ§ āļ…āˇƒāļŊ්āˇ€ාāˇƒීāļą්āļœෙāļą් āˇƒāļ¸āˇ„āļģāļš් āļ­āļ¸ āļąිāˇ€āˇƒේ āļ…āļŊුāļ­්āˇ€ැāļŠිāļēා āļšāļ§āļēුāļ­ු āļ”āļļāļ¸ āļšāļģāļą āļ†āļšාāļģāļēෙāļą් (DIYāˇƒිāļ¯ු āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļ´āļ§āļą් āļœāļąී.

The noise continues unabated till lunchtime.

Have a decent meal and retire to bed. Again, you will be woken up by the same bread sellers doing their rounds in the neighbourhood.

And many more sellers with their blaring loudspeakers mounted on three wheels or Dimo āļļāļ§්āļ§ාs.

Again, you are forced to abandon your rest, thanks to all the noises they create in the neighbourhood.

āļ¯ිāˇ€ා āļ†āˇ„ාāļģ āˇ€ේāļŊාāˇ€ āļ¯āļš්āˇ€ා āˇāļļ්āļ¯āļē āļąොāļąැāˇƒී āļ´āˇ€āļ­ී.

āˇ„ොāļŗ āļ†āˇ„ාāļģ āˇ€ේāļŊāļš් āļœෙāļą āļ‡āļŗāļ§ āļēāļą්āļą. āļąැāˇ€āļ­āļ­්, āļ‘āļ¸ āļ´ාāļą් āˇ€ෙāˇ…ෙāļą්āļ¯āļą් āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļą් āļ…āˇƒāļŊ්āˇ€ැāˇƒි āļ´්āļģāļ¯ේāˇāļēේ āļģāˇ€ුāļ¸් āļšāļģāļ¸ිāļą් āļ”āļļāˇ€ āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ි āļšāļģāļąු āļ‡āļ­.

āˇƒāˇ„ āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļļොāˇ„ෝ āˇ€ෙāˇ…ෙāļą්āļ¯āļą් āļ”āˇ€ුāļą්āļœේ āļෝāˇ‚ාāļšාāļģී āˇāļļ්āļ¯ āˇ€ිāļšාāˇāļą āļēāļą්āļ­්āļģ āļ­්āļģිāļģෝāļ¯ āˇ„ෝ āļŠිāļ¸ෝ āļļුāļ§ාāˇƒ් āļ¸āļ­ āˇƒāˇ€ි āļšāļģ āļ‡āļ­.

āļąැāˇ€āļ­āļ­්, āļ”āļļේ āˇ€ිāˇ€ේāļšāļē āļ…āļ­්āˇ„ැāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļ”āļļāļ§ āļļāļŊ āļšෙāļģෙāļēි, āļ”āˇ€ුāļą් āļ…āˇƒāļŊ්āˇ€ැāˇƒි āļ´්āļģāļ¯ේāˇāļē āļ­ුāˇ… āļ‡āļ­ි āļšāļģāļą āˇƒිāļēāļŊු āļෝāˇ‚ාāˇ€āļą්āļ§ āˇƒ්āļ­ුāļ­ි āˇ€āļą්āļą.

Now it is time for your evening tea.

You settle for a sizzling cup of tea with a book in hand.

Then some of your neighbours will think of burning their accumulated household solid waste.

The entire neighbourhood will be engulfed in toxic fumes and ash.

You are now left with no other option other than to lock your doors and windows and act like a prisoner in your own house.

āļ¯ැāļą් āļ”āļļේ āˇƒāˇ€āˇƒ āļ­ේ āļ´ාāļąāļēāļ§ āļšාāļŊāļēāļēි.

āļ”āļļ āļ´ොāļ­āļš් āļ…āļ­ැāļ­ිāˇ€ āļ­ේ āļšෝāļ´්āļ´āļēāļš් āļ´ාāļąāļē āļšāļģāļą්āļą.

āļ‘āˇ€ිāļ§ āļ”āļļේ āļ…āˇƒāļŊ්āˇ€ාāˇƒීāļą්āļœෙāļą් āˇƒāļ¸āˇ„āļģāļš් āļ”āˇ€ුāļą්āļœේ āļ‘āļšāļ­ු āˇ€ූ āļœෘāˇ„āˇƒ්āļŽ āļāļą āļ…āļ´āļ¯්āļģāˇ€්āļē āļ´ුāˇ…ුāˇƒ්āˇƒා āļ¯ැāļ¸ීāļ¸āļ§ āˇƒිāļ­āļąු āļ‡āļ­.

āļ¸ුāˇ…ු āļ…āˇƒāļŊ්āˇ€ැāˇƒි āļ´්āļģāļ¯ේāˇāļēāļ¸ āˇ€ිāˇ‚ āļ¯ුāļ¸ාāļģāļēෙāļą් āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āˇ…ුāˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļœිāļŊී āļēāļąු āļ‡āļ­.

āļ”āļļේ āļ¯ොāļģ āļĸāļąෙāļŊ් āļ…āļœුāˇ…ු āļ¯āļ¸ා āļ”āļļේāļ¸ āļąිāˇ€āˇƒේ āˇƒිāļģāļšāļģුāˇ€ෙāļšු āļŊෙāˇƒ āļšāļ§āļēුāļ­ු āļšිāļģීāļ¸ āˇ„ැāļģ āˇ€ෙāļąāļ­් āˇ€ිāļšāļŊ්āļ´āļēāļš් āļ”āļļāļ§ āļ¯ැāļą් āļ‰āļ­ිāļģිāˇ€ āļąැāļ­.

When are we going to change the situation and who is going to bell the cat?

It is likely that very little one can do individually unless we get together and form a consorted effort.

Until then, the so-called weekend is a luxury only in mind.

āļ…āļ´ි āļ­āļ­්āˇ€āļē āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ් āļšāļģāļą්āļąේ āļšāˇ€āļ¯ාāļ¯?

āļ…āļ´ි āļ‘āļšāļ­ු āˇ€ී āˇƒāˇ„āļēෝāļœී āļ‹āļ­්āˇƒාāˇ„āļēāļš් āļœොāļŠāļąāļŸා āļœāļą්āļąේ āļąāļ¸් āļ¸ිāˇƒ āļšෙāļąෙāļšුāļ§ āļ­āļąි āļ­āļąිāˇ€ āļšāˇ… āˇ„ැāļš්āļšේ āļ‰āļ­ා āˇƒුāˇ…ු āļ¯ෙāļēāļšි.

āļ‘āļ­ෙāļš්, āļŠāļąිāļēා āˇƒāļ­ි āļ…āļą්āļ­āļē āļ¸āļąāˇƒේ āļ´āļ¸āļĢāļš් āļ‡āļ­ි āļ†āļšāļŊ්āļ´āļēāļš් āļ´āļ¸āļĢි.

I used Google Translate to translate from English to Sinhala, and while the quality isn't as high as one might hope, most people will catch the gist of what's being stated.

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