Friday, January 26, 2018

What is our share in this mess?

Trustworthy and farsightedness should be the prerequisites for anyone taking up a public office.

Not flamboyant educational qualifications and or lack of them.

Are we really seeking them when casting our votes?

I do not think so.

If that was the case, then Sri Lanka would have been a First World Country many decades ago.

The problem here is that we do not want to change the status quo.

Because then we will lose all our own networks and contacts, ( where we can get almost anything done by using them ), and eventually to lose our higher place in the hierarchy of the society's pecking order.

First, we send scoundrels to the legislature and then start lambasting them on social media platforms.

What is our share in this mess?

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Dialog Tv Surreptitiously Fleecing its Customers

My family was away from the country for two months in the latter part of the 2017 and has realized on the return that the Dialog Tv connection has been disconnected due to non-payment.

The due amount was immediately paid and an official request was made to get the connection activated back.

After waiting a few more days without getting any positive results from their end, it was decided to call their helpline to get the matter resolved.

Again an official complaint was lodged but like in the past, no help came through.

After two failed attempts to get the connection activated again, it was finally decided to inform them that we were no longer interested in retaining their connection.

The Helpline was given all required details to enable them to finally disconnect us from their listing.

We thought that we have put the matter to rest finally but to our utter dismay, we have received another invoice recently billing us over Rs 5000/= of unpaid bills.

The Dialog had been known to fleece customers in this fashion.

And now it is the time that we put an end to this unscrupulous practice.