Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Guess, Who will have the Last Laugh !

A video started circulating in many social media platforms immediately after the results of the recently concluded presidential election in Sri Lankan was officially announced, where a group of claiming to be youngsters started beating war drums and openly threatening other communities living in the country.

I decided to share the same on my Facebook wall with the title “Is this what the country needs today”?

The purpose of the posting it is, hoping it would go viral and eventually get the attention of the authorities and put an end to such actions.

Immediately after it appeared on my wall, many likeminded people of those war drummers in the said video started engaging me in heated arguments, defending their actions and some were even started hurling insult too at me.

12 hours later I got a message from the Facebook stating that they have removed the video from my wall after receiving many complaints as the video does not meet their set community standards.

However, they have given me two options, either to accept their decision and do nothing about it or to appeal for reconsideration of their decision.

My initial reaction was to let it pass as I use this very social media platform to keep connections alive with my relatives and friends in various parts of the world.

Without having such a platform, it will be impossible to keep a track and contact with those who live in far-flung places.

Knowing well that I may lose my long-held account with them is a real possibility due to undue external pressure being applied; I decided to contest their decision on principles.

These were the very words that I have used in my justification for posting it in my appeal for reconsideration.

The purpose of posting it is hoping it will eventually get the concerned authorities attention and it will help to book those who are openly beating war drums and threatening other communities to justice.

Further, such acts are a flagrant violation of the Election rules in the country.

They were inciting violence which is a serious crime in any decent country and at the same time violating the election laws of the land openly.

Now, I am waiting for their final verdict on the video but I am sure, given the prevailing atmosphere in the country after the election that it will not be back on my wall again, which I have no issue but shooting the messenger is sending the wrong message and it will add more concerns to many decent and peace-loving people living in this country.

Whoever has reported it may think that he /she has won it today but tomorrow he/she will repent for his / her foolish actions today once the realities started to sink in deep but then it will be too late for him or her but surely it will not for me or to my family.

We will have the last laugh.

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