Monday, June 27, 2022

How to Pick the Right Representative?

How to pick the right representative in the next election. 

Check List

1.      Consideration of age,

a.       Age between 30 and 60 is preferred,

b.      Anyone beyond the range will be a bane than a boon,

2.      Educational prerequisites,

a.       A minimum of a college degree or an equivalent qualification is a must,

b.      Under exceptional circumstances only others with proven past track records should be considered,

3.      Current employment,

a.       Anyone who is gainfully employed based on his or her educational qualifications and or conducting a legitimate business is worthy of consideration,

b.      Anyone who is even rumoured to be involved in or enabling illegal activities such as embezzlement, deforestation, drugs, human & arms trafficking, etc. will be a major red flag.

4.      Criminal history,

a.       Anyone with a criminal record or a pending serious crime case verdict is a major red flag,

5.      Income source,

a.       Anyone who is receiving income from his or her employment, hereditary and or from a legitimate business is a worthy consideration,

b.      Anyone who is even rumoured to have benefited from involvement in any illicit activities will be a serious red flag.

6.      Physical condition,

a.       Anyone with serious health problems or physical limitations should not be considered,

7.      Social contribution,

a.       Previous contributions to the development and improvement of his or her community should be viewed favourably,

8.      Manifesto,

a.       Having his or her own manifesto, in addition to party  line *if any) should be viewed as a positive indicator,

9.      Residency,

a.       Permanent and current residency must be within the relevant electorate.

Feel free to add/delete and/or discuss.

Something like this should be worked on and shared in all three official languages with as many as possible.

The Colombians are very active and knowledgeable but very small in number. Their contribution will hardly move the needle when it comes to voting.

My belief is that the real numbers are in villages and educating them can change the outcome favourably.

The Colombians’ positive attitude and enthusiasm should be channelled to achieve the ultimate objective of educating the mass.

There is a belief among non-city dwellers that anything from the city should be avoided because it contains western influences that are harmful to the culture in general.

This is why crooks like Rajapaksas' always score high in village counts.

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