Monday, April 13, 2020

Heroes aren't Born, They Are Made !

At a time when the so-called promised Relief Sacks supposed to come door to door is nonexistence and when everyone is trying to make someone a hero by inflating and praising beyond the capacity and the real worth of that person, very little have been said or written about some unsung heroes who keep this unbearable lockdown a bearable one.

For some inexplicable reasons, those unsung heroes have not come in the radar screen of many including big media outlets.

They are the small-time entrepreneurs who come door to door in their own rickety little mode of transports like Tuk TuK, Dimo Batta and or on a push cycle serving the needs of the people who are otherwise confined to their houses due to the lockdown.

Unlike some big entities who have recently tried to fleece their own customers during this difficult times, got caught red-handed and lost the goodwill of the people, these poor chaps have never restored to such unethical business practice by hiking up the prices of the commodities that they deal with.

We come across at least a couple of such vendors’ every day trying to make a living by providing an invaluable service, when the authorities have no clue of how to go about doing it except on television talk shows and we are yet to come across anyone who has taken on these door to door rounds, just to fleece us during the lockdown times.

Despite having other extra overheads including permission to operate in lockdown areas and during curfew times, their prices have remained in a very reasonable level hitherto, compared them to the previously existed market prices and I hope they will continue to do so in future even when the normalcy returns back.

These door to door vendors’ help to keep people stay in their houses and that in return would help to curtail the possibility of spreading the deadly virus out of control far and wide.

At a time when many of those living in lockdown areas are showing very clear signs of tobacco and alcohol withdrawal symptoms, lack of regular human interactions driving them even more nuts.

These door to door vendors are not only trying to satisfy people’s physical needs but inadvertently fulfilling their emotional need as well without even realizing the invaluable stress suppressing antidote they bring along with them.

They may never get the due accolades from any mainstream media and or the authorities but they have won the hearts of many of the housebound people and without their diligence, it would have been a helpless situation beyond anyone’s imagination.

Heroes aren't born, they're made.

When a need comes helping others, some people often spur into action rather than run, hide or freeze like others big talkers (read politicians) do in this Corona crisis here in Sri Lanka.

Rise up to the occasion is the real sign of a real Hero.

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