Wednesday, April 01, 2020

What is holding them back?

For serious discussion only.

This morning someone posted a disparaging comment on my Facebook wall referring Sai Baba devotees as idiots.

My initial reaction was not to respond to his irresponsible remark but later I thought otherwise and responded with some real facts.

My suggestion was for him to go to Bangalore and Paththi to see the Super Specialty Hospitals, schools from kindergarten to university entrance level, universities, water supply facility, airport etc built and operating there free of charge, thanks to those whom, he has referred to as idiots before making any assumptions and it will help him for his own transformation both outwardly as well as inwardly.

That makes me think hard about this phenomenon of giving without expecting anything in return.

I have seen and experienced how Hari Krishna Missions, Rama Krishna Missions, Sikh temples, mosques; Salvation Army etc all over the world are conducting soup kitchens, giving away food and other essentials free for needy without any preconditions.

But sadly, this feature is missing in many Buddhist establishments not only in here but in other parts of the World where Buddhists are in majority.

Individually, Buddhists are no different to any others when it comes to Giving but why the establishments with deep pockets fail to do something unconditionally in this line to help poor, hungry and needy is worth exploring.

What is holding them back despite having enough and more in their coffers?

They may be having their own reasons as to why not doing which I am unable to see or comprehend.

That is why this was started as only for a serious discussion.


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