Friday, April 22, 2022

A Few Feathers Ruffled - Hegemony Threatened

Some people feel intimidated since the hegemony is eroding due to protests in Galle Face Green and other regions of the country, as they were formerly part of it.

"Leadership or supremacy, especially by one country or social group over others," is the definition of hegemony.

This is what has been happening in the country, and the younger generation is no longer buying into the premise that one group should not be able to rule others.

It was only conceivable yesterday for many reasons, but not now, owing to the information revolution, which allows you to perceive the world and your surroundings through completely new eyes.

I read somewhere that one of the monks has announced on his social media wall that they are going to lose their entitlement to reserved public transportation seats.

This is how many who have been brainwashed think.

Losing dominance over another and losing the entitlement to have a reserved seat on public transport is something else.

Getting acclimated to inclusivity is a better and more long-term option than exclusivity, which can lead to disaster.

It is preferable to be prepared to accept and welcome the new norm than to be forgotten and left behind.

It's entirely up to you.

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