Monday, April 03, 2023

Whose Money is it Anyway?

In a WhatsApp group, we were discussing how public property is being misappropriated by many, including those in uniform and not only politicians.

How military-assigned vehicles are being used to transport kids of military personnel attending Colombo city schools and an open comment I made ("අම්මා යුද්දේ තියෙන්නේ කොළඹද නැත්නම් උතුරේද?") after seeing many such vehicles waiting at one of the city schools and how a low-ranking officer gave me a scornful look after hearing it was mentioned in the chat, and someone in the same group later sent me a private message, which I have quoted below;

Being an ex-Air Force officer, during the war era, the majority of us were in operational areas and we were unable to attend to our family matters. We did our role there in a peaceful mind knowing that our family is well looked after by the government, especially our kids' schooling. Please note that I am referring to the war era only. ඒ කාලේ අපි ගෙදර එන්නේ මාස 3-4 කට සැරයක්.

And this was my reply to that.

Thank you for explaining. I spent the majority of my adult life working overseas, and my situation is similar to yours; additionally, migrant overseas workers' contributions to the war effort cannot be ignored. However, we received no special treatment or recognition for our contribution. We had a choice, but those in uniform did not. My concern was that the public should pay for someone's privileges while ignoring others.

This is being posted to have a healthy discussion about the misuse and misappropriation of public property so that the general public is aware of it and what we can do to prevent such acts in the future.



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