Friday, May 06, 2022

Over to You !

 A few things people can do when police try to bundle them into police vans. 

Do not fight back.

Otherwise, the police will try to add one or more charges to the sheet.

Disorderly conduct,

Resisting arrest,

Ask the reason for the arrest.

Police are required to provide a reason for their actions rather than simply loading people into buses and jeeps.

Obtain the name and staff number of the police officer (preferably on video) trying the arrest.

Again, they are duty-bound to part with the information requested.

Blunt refusal could lead them to break their internal code of conduct and, most importantly, the constitution.

Having credible video evidence can be used later to prove human rights violations, damage claims, and so on.

I am not someone with a legal background and use common sense only.

I hope someone with a real legal background can shed more light on this issue.

Over to you, someone with the necessary background.

King Sasa's Exploits 

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