Saturday, March 04, 2023

Thy Myth of Sisyphus / āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ්āļœේ āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€

The myth of Sisyphus is a story from Greek mythology that tells of a man who was punished by the gods for his deceitful actions.

Sisyphus was condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down again before he could reach the top.

This task was both pointless and endless, as he was doomed to repeat it for all eternity.

Today, the myth of Sisyphus is often used as a metaphor for the struggle of the human condition.

The story illustrates the futility of our efforts and the way in which our actions can seem meaningless in the face of larger forces beyond our control.

One interpretation of the myth is that it highlights the importance of finding meaning and purpose in our lives despite the inherent difficulties and challenges we face.

Sisyphus' punishment was a seemingly insurmountable task, but even in the face of such adversity, he persisted in his efforts.

This can be seen as a call to embrace the struggle and find fulfilment in the pursuit of our goals, rather than focusing solely on the outcome.

Another interpretation of the myth is that it serves as a warning against the dangers of pride and hubris.

Sisyphus was punished for his deceitful and arrogant actions, and his punishment serves as a reminder of the consequences that can come from seeking power and glory at the expense of others.

Ultimately, the myth of Sisyphus can be seen as a complex and multifaceted story that can offer different insights and lessons depending on the context in which it is interpreted.

However, at its core, it remains a powerful reminder of the struggles and challenges we all face, and the importance of finding meaning and purpose in our lives despite the difficulties we may encounter.

āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ්āļœේ āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€ āļœ්‍āļģීāļš āļ¸ිāļ­්‍āļēා āļšāļŽා āˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļšිāļēāˇ€ෙāļą āļšāļ­āļą්āļ¯āļģāļēāļš් āˇ€āļą āļ…āļ­āļģ āļ‘āļē āļ”āˇ„ුāļœේ āˇ€ංāļ āļąිāļš āļš්‍āļģිāļēාāˇ€āļą් āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ¯ෙāˇ€ිāˇ€āļģුāļą් āˇ€ිāˇƒිāļą් āļ¯āļŦුāˇ€āļ¸් āļšāļģāļą āļŊāļ¯ āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒෙāļšු āļœැāļą āļšිāļēāļēි.

āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ් āˇƒāļ¯ාāļšාāļŊිāļšāˇ€ āļœāļŊāļš් āļšāļą්āļ¯āļš් āļ‹āļŠāļ§ āļ´ෙāļģāˇ…ීāļ¸āļ§ āˇ„ෙāˇ…ා āļ¯ුāļ§ුāˇ€ේ āļ”āˇ„ුāļ§ āļ¸ුāļ¯ුāļąāļ§ āļ´ැāļ¸ිāļĢීāļ¸āļ§ āļ´ෙāļģ āļ‘āļē āļąැāˇ€āļ­ āļ´āˇ„āˇ…āļ§ āļ´ෙāļģāˇ…ීāļ¸āļ§ āļ´āļ¸āļĢි.

āˇƒāļ¯ාāļšාāļŊිāļšāˇ€āļ¸ āļ‘āļē āļ´ුāļąāļģුāļ ්āļ ාāļģāļĢāļē āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļ”āˇ„ු āļ‰āļģāļĢāļ¸āļ§ āļŊāļš් āˇ€ූ āļļැāˇ€ිāļą් āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļšාāļģ්āļēāļē āļąිāˇ‚්āļĩāļŊ āļ¸ෙāļą්āļ¸ āļąිāļ¸āļš් āļąැāļ­ි āˇ€ිāļē.

āļ…āļ¯, āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ්āļœේ āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€ āļļොāˇ„ෝ āˇ€ිāļ§ āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ් āļ­āļ­්āˇ€āļēේ āļ…āļģāļœāļŊāļē āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļģූāļ´āļšāļēāļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āļšāļģāļēි.

āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļ‹āļ­්āˇƒාāˇ„āļēේ āļąිāˇ‚්āļĩāļŊ āļˇාāˇ€āļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēෙāļą් āļ”āļļ්āļļāļ§ āˇ€ිāˇාāļŊ āļļāļŊāˇ€ේāļœ āˇ„āļ¸ුāˇ€ේ āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļš්‍āļģිāļēාāˇ€āļą් āļ…āļģ්āļŽ āˇ€ිāļģāˇ„ිāļ­ āļŊෙāˇƒ āļ´ෙāļąෙāļą āļ†āļšාāļģāļē āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļšāļ­ාāˇ€ෙāļą් āˇ€ිāļ¯āˇ„ා āļ¯āļš්āˇ€āļēි.

āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€ේ āļ‘āļš් āˇ€ිāļœ්‍āļģāˇ„āļēāļš් āļąāļ¸්, āļ…āļ´ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢ āļ¯ෙāļą āļ†āˇ€ේāļąිāļš āļ¯ුāˇ‚්āļšāļģāļ­ා āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļˇිāļēෝāļœ āļ¸āļ°්‍āļēāļēේ āˇ€ුāˇ€āļ¯ āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļĸීāˇ€ිāļ­āļēේ āļ…āļģ්āļŽāļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļģāļ¸ුāļĢ āˇƒෙāˇ€ීāļ¸ේ āˇ€ැāļ¯āļœāļ­්āļšāļ¸ āļ‘āļē āļ‰āˇƒ්āļ¸āļ­ු āļšāļģāļēි.

āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ්āļœේ āļ¯āļŦුāˇ€āļ¸ āļļැāļŊූ āļļැāļŊ්āļ¸āļ§ āļĸāļēāļœāļ­ āļąොāˇ„ැāļšි āļšාāļģ්āļēāļēāļš් āˇ€ූ āļąāļ¸ුāļ­් āļ‘āˇ€ැāļąි āļ¯ුāˇ‚්āļšāļģāļ­ා āˇ„āļ¸ුāˇ€ේ āļ´āˇ€ා āļ”āˇ„ු āļ­āļ¸ āļ‹āļ­්āˇƒාāˇ„āļēේ āļąොāˇƒැāļŊී āˇƒිāļ§ිāļēේāļē.

āļ¸ෙāļē āˇ„ුāļ¯ෙāļš් āļ´්‍āļģāļ­ිāļĩāļŊāļē āļšෙāļģෙāˇ„ි āļ´āļ¸āļĢāļš් āļ…āˇ€āļ°ාāļąāļē āļēොāļ¸ු āļąොāļšāļģ āļ…āļģāļœāļŊāļē āˇ€ැāļŊāļŗāļœෙāļą āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļ…āļģāļ¸ුāļĢු āˇ„āļšා āļēාāļ¸ේāļ¯ී āļ‰āļ§ුāˇ€ීāļ¸ āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļšāļģāļą āļšැāļŗāˇ€ීāļ¸āļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āˇƒැāļŊāļšිāļē āˇ„ැāļšිāļē.

āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€ේ āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļ…āļģ්āļŽāļšāļŽāļąāļēāļš් āļąāļ¸්, āļ‘āļē āļ‹āļŠāļŸුāļšāļ¸ේ āˇƒāˇ„ āˇ„ුāļļ්‍āļģිāˇƒ්āļœේ āļ…āļą්āļ­āļģාāļēāļą්āļ§ āļ‘āļģෙāˇ„ිāˇ€ āļ…āļąāļ­ුāļģු āļ‡āļŸāˇ€ීāļ¸āļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āˇƒේāˇ€āļē āļšāļģāļēි.

āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ් āļ”āˇ„ුāļœේ āļģැāˇ€āļ§ිāļŊිāļšාāļģ āˇƒāˇ„ āļ‹āļŠāļŸු āļš්āļģිāļēාāˇ€āļą් āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා āļ¯āļŦුāˇ€āļ¸් āļšāļģāļą āļŊāļ¯ āļ…āļ­āļģ, āļ”āˇ„ුāļœේ āļ¯āļŦුāˇ€āļ¸ āļ…āļą් āļ…āļēāļœේ āˇ€ිāļēāļ¯āļ¸ිāļą් āļļāļŊāļē āˇ„ා āļœෞāļģāˇ€āļē āˇƒෙāˇ€ීāļ¸ෙāļą් āļ‡āļ­ි āˇ€ිāļē āˇ„ැāļšි āļ´්āļģāļ­ිāˇ€ිāļ´ාāļš āˇƒිāˇ„ිāļ´āļ­් āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āˇƒේāˇ€āļē āļšāļģāļēි.

āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļą āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą්, āˇƒිāˇƒිāˇ†āˇƒ්āļœේ āļ¸ිāļŽ්‍āļēාāˇ€ āļ‘āļē āļ…āļģ්āļŽāļšāļŽāļąāļē āļšāļģāļą āˇƒāļą්āļ¯āļģ්āļˇāļē āļ…āļąුāˇ€ āˇ€ිāˇ€ිāļ° āļ­ීāļš්āˇ‚්āļĢ āļļුāļ¯්āļ°ිāļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ´ාāļŠāļ¸් āļ‰āļ¯ිāļģිāļ´āļ­් āļšāˇ… āˇ„ැāļšි āˇƒංāļšීāļģ්āļĢ āˇ„ා āļļāˇ„ුāˇ€ිāļ° āļšāļŽාāˇ€āļš් āļŊෙāˇƒ āļ¯ැāļšිāļē āˇ„ැāļšිāļē.

āļšෙāˇƒේ āˇ€ෙāļ­āļ­්, āļ‘āˇ„ි āˇ„āļģāļē āļ­ුāˇ…, āļ‘āļē āļ…āļ´ āˇƒිāļēāļŊු āļ¯ෙāļąා āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢ āļ¯ෙāļą āļ…āļģāļœāļŊ āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļˇිāļēෝāļœ āļ´ිāˇ…ිāļļāļŗ āļ´්‍āļģāļļāļŊ āļ¸āļ­āļš් āļšිāļģීāļ¸āļš් āˇ€āļą āļ…āļ­āļģ, āļ…āļ´āļ§ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢ āļ¯ීāļ¸āļ§ āˇƒිāļ¯ු āˇ€ිāļē āˇ„ැāļšි āļ¯ුāˇ‚්āļšāļģāļ­ා āļąොāļ­āļšා āļ…āļ´āļœේ āļĸීāˇ€ිāļ­āļēේ āļ…āļģ්āļŽāļē āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļģāļ¸ුāļĢ āˇƒොāļēා āļœැāļąීāļ¸ේ āˇ€ැāļ¯āļœāļ­්āļšāļ¸ āļ´āˇ€āļ­ී.

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